Maryland Statewide Forest Conservation Easements | Last Updated 24 Apr 2024

This dataset is intended to satisfy the new geospatial reporting requirements beginning with the 2010 fiscal year reporting period. The Forest Conservation Act of 1991 requires units of local government with planning and zoning authority to establish and implement local forest conservation programs, and provides for the Department of Natural Resource’s (DNR) administration of forest conservation requirements. During the 2008 Legislative Session, HB972 was adopted which effected the Forest Conservation Act's reporting and enforcement requirements. On or before July 1st of each year, the DNR shall submit to the Senate Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs Committee and the House Environmental Matters Committee a statewide report compiled from local authorities. Included with this report DNR will also be required to submit, to the best practicable extent, the size shape and location of all conserved and planted forest areas submitted in an electronic geographic information system or other similar computer aided design format.

Tags: protected lands, land preservation, fca, forest, forest conservation, easements