Utah Cache County Parcels LIR

opendata.utah.gov | Last Updated 20 Mar 2020

<div><div><div><p>GIS Layer Boundary Geometry:</p><p>GIS Format Data Files: Ideally, Tax Year Parcel data should be provided in a shapefile (please include the .shp, .shx, .dbf, .prj, and .xml component files) or file geodatabase format. An empty shapefile and file geodatabase schema are available for download at:</p><p>ftp://ftp.agrc.utah.gov/UtahSGID_Vector/UTM12_NAD83/CADASTRE/LIR_ParcelSchema.zip</p><p>At the request of a county, AGRC will provide technical assistance to counties to extract, transform, and load parcel and assessment information into the GIS layer format.</p><p>Geographic Coverage: Tax year parcel polygons should cover the area of each county for which assessment information is created and digital parcels are available. Full coverage may not be available yet for each county. The county may provide parcels that have been adjusted to remove gaps and overlaps for administrative tax purposes or parcels that retain these expected discrepancies that take their source from the legally described boundary or the process of digital conversion. The diversity of topological approaches will be noted in the metadata.</p><p>One Tax Parcel Record Per Unique Tax Notice: Some counties produce an annual tax year parcel GIS layer with one parcel polygon per tax notice. In some cases, adjacent parcel polygons that compose a single taxed property must be merged into a single polygon. This is the goal for the statewide layer but may not be possible in all counties. AGRC will provide technical support to counties, where needed, to merge GIS parcel boundaries into the best format to match with the annual assessment information.</p><p>Standard Coordinate System: Parcels will be loaded into Utah’s statewide coordinate system, Universal Transverse Mercator coordinates (NAD83, Zone 12 North). However, boundaries stored in other industry standard coordinate systems will be accepted if they are both defined within the data file(s) and documented in the metadata (see below).</p><p>Descriptive Attributes:</p><p>Database Field/Column Definitions: The table below indicates the field names and definitions for attributes requested for each Tax Parcel Polygon record.</p><p>FIELD NAME FIELD TYPE LENGTH DESCRIPTION EXAMPLE </p><p>SHAPE (expected) Geometry n/a The boundary of an individual parcel or merged parcels that corresponds with a single county tax notice ex. polygon boundary in UTM NAD83 Zone 12 N or other industry standard coordinates including state plane systems</p><p>COUNTY_NAME Text 20 - County name including spaces ex. BOX ELDER</p><p>COUNTY_ID (expected) Text 2 - County ID Number ex. Beaver = 1, Box Elder = 2, Cache = 3,..., Weber = 29</p><p>ASSESSOR_SRC (expected) Text 100 - Website URL, will be to County Assessor in most all cases ex. webercounty.org/assessor</p><p>BOUNDARY_SRC (expected) Text 100 - Website URL, will be to County Recorder in most all cases ex. webercounty.org/recorder</p><p>DISCLAIMER (added by State) Text 50 - Disclaimer URL ex. gis.utah.gov...</p><p>CURRENT_ASOF (expected) Date - Parcels current as of date ex. 01/01/2016</p><p>PARCEL_ID (expected) Text 50 - County designated Unique ID number for individual parcels ex. 15034520070000</p><p>PARCEL_ADD (expected, where available) Text 100 - Parcel’s street address location. Usually the address at recordation ex. 810 S 900 E #304 (example for a condo)</p><p>TAXEXEMPT_TYPE (expected) Text 100 - Primary category of granted tax exemption ex. None, Religious, Government, Agriculture, Conservation Easement, Other Open Space, Other</p><p>TAX_DISTRICT (expected, where applicable) Text 10 - The coding the county uses to identify a unique combination of property tax levying entities ex. 17A</p><p>TOTAL_MKT_VALUE (expected) Decimal - Total market value of parcel's land, structures, and other improvements as determined by the Assessor for the most current tax year ex. 332000</p><p>LAND _MKT_VALUE (expected) Decimal - The market value of the parcel's land as determined by the Assessor for the most current tax year ex. 80600</p><p>PARCEL_ACRES (expected) Decimal - Parcel size in acres ex. 20.360</p><p>PROP_CLASS (expected) Text 100 - Residential, Commercial, Industrial, Mixed, Agricultural, Vacant, Open Space, Other ex. Residential</p><p>PRIMARY_RES (expected) Text 1 - Is the property a primary residence(s): Y'(es), 'N'(o), or 'U'(nknown) ex. Y</p><p>HOUSING_CNT (expected, where applicable) Text 10 - Number of housing units, can be single number or range like '5-10' ex. 1</p><p>SUBDIV_NAME (optional) Text 100 - Subdivision name if applicable ex. Highland Manor Subdivision</p><p>BLDG_SQFT (expected, where applicable) Integer - Square footage of primary bldg(s) ex. 2816</p><p>BLDG_SQFT_INFO (expected, where applicable) Text 100 - Note for how building square footage is counted by the County ex. Only finished above and below grade areas are counted.</p><p>FLOORS_CNT (expected, where applicable) Decimal - Number of floors as reported in county records ex. 2</p><p>FLOORS_INFO (expected, where applicable) Text 100 - Note for how floors are counted by the County ex. Only above grade floors are counted</p><p>BUILT_YR (expected, where applicable) Short - Estimated year of initial construction of primary buildings ex. 1968</p><p>EFFBUILT_YR (optional, where applicable) Short - The 'effective' year built' of primary buildings that factors in updates after construction ex. 1980</p><p>CONST_MATERIAL (optional, where applicable) Text 100 - Construction Material Types, Values for this field are expected to vary greatly by county ex. Wood Frame, Brick, etc </p><p>Contact: Sean Fernandez, Cadastral Manager (email: sfernandez@utah.gov; office phone: 801-209-9359)</p><p></p></div></div></div>

Tags: boundaries, parcels