Income Distribution Index - Strategic KPI | Last Updated 30 Jan 2023

The Gini index is the most commonly used measure of income distribution and is estimated annually for U.S. populations by the Census Bureau based on household income. The Gini index has a theoretical range of 0 to 1. An index of 0 indicates perfect equality, where all households have the same income. An index of 1 indicates maximal inequality, where one household has all the income and the others have none. The Gini indices for the U.S. and for the state of Georgia for 2016 were both around 0.48. (It should be noted that the Gini index can be calculated in different ways and can therefore vary between sources for the same population. The Census Bureau, for example, calculates the index based on pre-tax income, so their index will appear high compared to sources that use income after tax transfers.)

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