Total Daily Jail Population | Last Updated 28 May 2024

This data set consists of hourly updates of the total population in Fulton County jail facilities. The population numbers are extracted from the Comprehensive Justice Information System (CJIS). Because new bookings are not always entered into the CJIS immediately, especially during busy periods, the population numbers in this data set may vary by small amounts from the actual population at any given time.

Tags: total jail population, jail population

This dataset has the following 3 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
IDidnumberA unique identifier for each record in the data set.
PopTimepoptimecalendar_dateThe date and time at which the population number was extracted from the CJIS.
PopulationpopulationnumberThe inmate population for the jail facility at the give time.