Census Tract Locations (LA)

usc.data.socrata.com | Last Updated 12 Jul 2018

Lookup/CrossWalk for Census Tract Number and Location and Neighborhood overlap of Center Point. The Neighborhood relationship is determined using https://docs.safe.com/fme/2017.1/html/FME_Desktop_Documentation/FME_Transformers/Transformers/centerpointextractor.htm where the center point is the point that is in the center of the feature's bounding box and when a center point of a tract was not found for a tract in a neighborhood, it uses a point that is guaranteed to be inside the area.

This dataset has the following 7 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
Tract Numbertract_numbertext
NeighborhoodneighborhoodtextNeighborhood that the center point of a Census Tract falls in