Community Survey Summary Results - 2012 to 2018 | Last Updated 23 Apr 2019

The Office of Internal Audit (OIA) conducts an annual survey of Chattanooga residents to gather their views of city services. This dataset is a summary file of the overall satisfaction scores from 2012 to 2018. - See more at:

This dataset has the following 81 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
Year (Date)year_datecalendar_date
1a_1anumberOverall, how do you rate the quality of life in Chattanooga as a place to live. (Very Good & Good)
1b_1bnumberOverall, how do you rate the quality of life in your neighborhood as a place to live. (Very Good & Good)
1c_1cnumberOverall, how do you rate the quality of life in Chattanooga as a place to work. (Very Good & Good)
1d_1dnumberOverall, how do you rate the quality of life in Chattanooga as a place to raise children. (Very Good & Good)
1e_1enumberOverall, how do you rate the quality of life in Chattanooga as a place to retire. (Very Good & Good)
2a_2anumberHow safe would you feel walking alone during the day in your neighborhood? (Very Safe & Safe)
2b_2bnumberHow safe would you feel walking alone during the day in the park closest to you? (Very Safe & Safe)
2c_2cnumberHow safe would you feel walking alone during the day downtown? (Very Safe & Safe)
3a_3anumberHow safe would you feel walking alone during at night in your neighborhood? (Very Safe & Safe)
3b_3bnumberHow safe would you feel walking alone during at night in the park closest to you? (Very Safe & Safe)
3c_3cnumberHow safe would you feel walking alone during at night downtown? (Very Safe & Safe)
4a_4anumberDid anyone break into, or burglarize, your home during the last 12 months? (Yes)
4b_4bnumberIf yes, was it reported to the police? (yes)
5a_5anumberDid anyone break into, or attempt to break into, any vehicles belonging to your household during the last 12 months? (Yes)
5b_5bnumberIf yes, was it reported to the police? (Yes)
6a_6anumberDid you call 9-1-1 for an emergency during the last 12 months? (Yes)
6b_6bnumberIf yes, how do you rate the services you received on the the phone from the 9-1-1 calltaker? (Very Good & Good)
7a_7anumberHow do you rate police services on the overall quality of services? (Very Good & Good)
7b_7bnumberHow do you rate police services on the conduct of police officers? (Very Good & Good)
7c_7cnumberHow do you rate police services on the speed of emergency police response? (Very Good & Good)
8a_8anumberDid you use fire or emergency medical services during the last 12 months? (Yes)
8b_8bnumberIf yes, how do you rate the services you received on overall quality of services? (Very Good & Good)
8c_8cnumberIf yes, how do you rate the services you received on speed of emergency response? (Very Good & Good)
9a_9anumberHow do you rate your satisfaction with the following City services: Garbage Pick-up? (Very Satisfied & Somewhat Satisfied)
9b_9bnumberHow do you rate your satisfaction with the following City services: Yard-waste Pick-up? (Very Satisfied & Somewhat Satisfied)
9c_9cnumberHow do you rate your satisfaction with the following City services: Curbside Recycling? (Very Satisfied & Somewhat Satisfied)
9d_9dnumberHow do you rate your satisfaction with the following City services: Water Quality of Lakes and Streams? (Very Satisfied & Somewhat Satisfied)
9e_9enumberHow do you rate your satisfaction with the following City services: Storm Drainage? (Very Satisfied & Somewhat Satisfied)
9f_9fnumberHow do you rate your satisfaction with the following City services: Sewers? (Very Satisfied & Somewhat Satisfied)
9ave_9avenumberHow do you rate your satisfaction with City services? (average of surveyed city services)
10a_10anumberIn the past 12 months, how many times did you: Visit any city park? (Daily & Weekly)
10b_10bnumberIn the past 12 months, how many times did you: Visit a city park near your home? (Daily & Weekly)
11a_11anumberHow do you rate the quality of the parks near your home for well-maintained landscaping? (Very Good & Good)
11b_11bnumberHow do you rate the quality of the parks near your home for well-maintained facilities? (Very Good & Good)
11c_11cnumberHow do you rate the quality of the parks near your home for well-maintained playgrounds? (Very Good & Good)
12_12numberIn the past 12 months, did anyone in your household participate in a Chattanooga Parks and Recreation activity? (Yes)
13a_13anumberHow satisfied are you with the City's recreation programs, classes and events held at community centers, pools, or sports facilities: Affordability? (Very Satisfied & Somewhat Satisfied)
13b_13bnumberHow satisfied are you with the City's recreation programs, classes and events held at community centers, pools, or sports facilities: Variety? (Very Satisfied & Somewhat Satisfied)
13c_13cnumberHow satisfied are you with the City's recreation programs, classes and events held at community centers, pools, or sports facilities: Quality of instruction, coaching, leadership, etc? (Very Satisfied & Somewhat Satisfied)
14a_14anumberHow do you rate traffic flow (congestion) on major streets and thoroughfares, excluding freeways during peak hours, that is 7-9am and 3:30-6pm? (Very Good & Good)
14b_14bnumberHow do you rate traffic flow (congestion) on major streets and thoroughfares, excluding freeways during off-peak traffic hours? (Very Good & Good)
15a_15anumberHow do you rate City streets on smoothness? (Very Good & Good)
15b_15bnumberHow do you rate City streets on cleanliness? (Very Good & Good)
15c_15cnumberHow do you rate City streets on speeding vehicles? (Very Good & Good)
15d_15dnumberHow do you rate City streets on safety of pedestrians? (Very Good & Good)
15e_15enumberHow do you rate City streets on safety of bicyclists? (Very Good & Good)
16a_16anumberHas a new commercial development been completed in or near your neighborhood in the last 12 months? (Yes)
16b_16bnumberIf yes, how do you rate it on attractiveness? (Very Good & Good)
16c_16cnumberIf yes, how do you rate it on improvement to your neighborhood as a place to live? (Very Good & Good)
17a_17anumberHas a new residentail development been completed in or near your neighborhood in the last 12 months? (Yes)
17b_17bnumberIf yes, how do you rate it on attractiveness? (Very Good & Good)
17c_17cnumberIf yes, how do you rate it on improvement to your neighborhood as a place to live? (Very Good & Good)
18a_18anumberHow do you rate your neighborhood on housing affordability? (Very Good & Good)
18b_18bnumberHow do you rate your neighborhood on physical condition of housing? (Very Good & Good)
18c_18cnumberHow do you rate your neighborhood on closeness of parks or open spaces? (Very Good & Good)
18d_18dnumberHow do you rate your neighborhood on walking distance to public transit? (Very Good & Good)
18e_18enumberHow do you rate your neighborhood on access to shopping and other services? (Very Good & Good)
18f_18fnumberHow do you rate your neighborhood on on-street parking? (Very Good & Good)
18g_18gnumberHow do you rate your neighborhood on street lighting? (Very Good & Good)
18h_18hnumberHow do you rate your neighborhood on availability of sidewalks? (Very Good & Good)
19a_19anumberHow do you rate Chattanooga as a place to do business? (Very Good & Good)
19b_19bnumberDo you own a business in Chattanooga? (Yes)
19c_19cnumberIf yes, how many employees does your business employ? (50 or less)
20a_20anumberIn the last 12 months, about how many times, if ever, have you or other household members called 3-1-1 about public services? (1 time to more than 10)
20b_20bnumberIn the last 12 months, about how many times, if ever, have you or other household members ridden a local bus (CARTA)? (1 time to more than 10)
20c_20cnumberIn the last 12 months, about how many times, if ever, have you or other household members visited a Chattanooga Public Library branch? (1 time to more than 10)
20d_20dnumberIn the last 12 months, about how many times, if ever, have you or other household members attended an event at Memorial Auditorium or Tivoli? (1 time to more than 10)
20e_20enumberIn the last 12 months, about how many times, if ever, have you or other household members used/visited McKamey Animal Center? (1 time to more than 10)
20f_20fnumberIn the last 12 months, about how many times, if ever, have you or other household members visited the website? (1 time to more than 10)
20g_20gnumberIn the last 12 months, about how many times, if ever, have you or other household members been involved in a community project or attended a public meeting? (1 time to more than 10)
21a_21anumberOverall, how do you rate the quality of 3-1-1? (Very Good & Good)
21b_21bnumberOverall, how do you rate the quality of bus services (CARTA)? (Very Good & Good)
21c_21cnumberOverall, how do you rate the quality of experiences at Memorial Auditorium and/or Tivoli? (Very Good & Good)
21d_21dnumberOverall, how do you rate the quality of animal control (McKamey)? (Very Good & Good)
21e_21enumberOverall, how do you rate the quality of public libraries? (Very Good & Good)
21f_21fnumberOverall, how do you rate the quality of website? (Very Good & Good)
22a_22anumberOverall, how do you rate following aspects of City government performance: Value of services for City taxes paid? (Very Good & Good)
22b_22bnumberOverall, how do you rate following aspects of City government performance: Overall direction the City is taking? (Very Good & Good)
22c_22cnumberOverall, how do you rate following aspects of City government performance: Welcoming citizen involvement? (Very Good & Good)