Was It Something I Ate?

www.dallasopendata.com | Last Updated 11 Aug 2023

This data set is intended to communicate the name of establishment, the physical location of the establishment, the date the inspection was conducted, the overall score for the inspection, and the point deduction for the individual violations. Disclaimer: The inspection data represents a specific period in time. It does not represent the ownership of the establishment or the full history of the establishment.

Tags: restaurant, inspection, violation, food, food inspection, mobile food vehicle, food truck, consumer complaints, food borne investigations, temporary food services, restaurant inspection

This dataset has the following 114 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescription
Restaurant Nameprogram_identifiertextThe Program Identifier allows users to add a description for a General Health Program record that identifies one general health program from another. For example, two programs (restaurants) at one facility can have the same Program/Element code (1600 - Food). The PROGRAM_IDENTIFIER field allows users to add a description for differentiating the two (The Moonlight Room and The Laguna Lounge).
Inspection Dateinsp_datecalendar_dateDate the inspection for the facility was performed.
Inspection ScorescorenumberThe aggregate score from the inspection violations. Please note not every violation will reflect a point deduction as establishments are allowed to correct violations during the inspection process, and therefore no reduction in the overall score is reflected for the violation.
Inspection TypetypetextCode indicating the inspection type, such as Routine, Follow-up, Complaint, Temporary and Mobile. • Routine Inspections – are conducted at least once every six months • Follow-up Inspections – are conducted as a result of poor sanitation issues, low scores • Complaints Inspections – General Sanitation/Hygienic Practices /Illness Investigation, Smoking and Other • Temporary – the City of Dallas Office of Special Events provides a listing of public events being held involving food and the Consumer Health Division provides guidance and inspects • Mobile – the various mobile food units are inspected annually with random inspections conducted during the year
Street Addresssite_addresstextFull street address of the facility.
Zip CodeziptextZip Code of the facility's address.
Street Numberstreet_numbernumberStreet number for the address of the facility.
Street Namestreet_nametextStreet name for the address of the facility.
Street Directionstreet_directiontextStreet direction for the address of the facility. For example, N, W, S, etc.
Street Typestreet_typetextStreet type for the address of the facility. For example, AVE, LN, ST, etc.
Street Unitstreet_unittextUnit number or apartment number for the address of the facility.
Violation Description - 1violation1_descriptiontextA brief description of the violation.
Violation Points - 1violation1_pointsnumberThe amount of points assigned to this violation.
Violation Detail - 1violation1_texttextField used to describe the type of violation associated with the enforcement action.
Violation Memo - 1violation1_memotextThis field is used for any additional comments about the enforcement action.
Violation Description - 2violation2_descriptiontextA brief description of the violation.
Violation Points - 2violation2_pointsnumberThe amount of points assigned to this violation.
Violation Detail - 2violation2_texttextField used to describe the type of violation associated with the enforcement action.
Violation Memo - 2violation2_memotextThis field is used for any additional comments about the enforcement action.
Violation Description - 3violation3_descriptiontextA brief description of the violation.
Violation Points - 3violation3_pointsnumberThe amount of points assigned to this violation.
Violation Detail - 3violation3_texttextField used to describe the type of violation associated with the enforcement action.
Violation Memo - 3violation3_memotextThis field is used for any additional comments about the enforcement action.
Violation Description - 4violation4_descriptiontextA brief description of the violation.
Violation Points - 4violation4_pointsnumberThe amount of points assigned to this violation.
Violation Detail - 4violation4_texttextField used to describe the type of violation associated with the enforcement action.
Violation Memo - 4violation4_memotextThis field is used for any additional comments about the enforcement action.
Violation Description - 5violation5_descriptiontextA brief description of the violation.
Violation Points - 5violation5_pointsnumberThe amount of points assigned to this violation.
Violation Detail - 5violation5_texttextField used to describe the type of violation associated with the enforcement action.
Violation Memo - 5violation5_memotextThis field is used for any additional comments about the enforcement action.
Violation Description - 6violation6_descriptiontextA brief description of the violation.
Violation Points - 6violation6_pointsnumberThe amount of points assigned to this violation.
Violation Detail - 6violation6_texttextField used to describe the type of violation associated with the enforcement action.
Violation Memo - 6violation6_memotextThis field is used for any additional comments about the enforcement action.
Violation Description - 7violation7_descriptiontextA brief description of the violation.
Violation Points - 7violation7_pointsnumberThe amount of points assigned to this violation.
Violation Detail - 7violation7_texttextField used to describe the type of violation associated with the enforcement action.
Violation Memo - 7violation7_memotextThis field is used for any additional comments about the enforcement action.
Violation Description - 8violation8_descriptiontextA brief description of the violation.
Violation Points - 8violation8_pointsnumberThe amount of points assigned to this violation.
Violation Detail - 8violation8_texttextField used to describe the type of violation associated with the enforcement action.
Violation Memo - 8violation8_memotextThis field is used for any additional comments about the enforcement action.
Violation Description - 9violation9_descriptiontextA brief description of the violation.
Violation Points - 9violation9_pointsnumberThe amount of points assigned to this violation.
Violation Detail - 9violation9_texttextField used to describe the type of violation associated with the enforcement action.
Violation Memo - 9violation9_memotextThis field is used for any additional comments about the enforcement action.
Violation Description - 10violation10_descriptiontextA brief description of the violation.
Violation Points - 10violation10_pointsnumberThe amount of points assigned to this violation.
Violation Detail - 10violation10_texttextField used to describe the type of violation associated with the enforcement action.
Violation Memo - 10violation10_memotextThis field is used for any additional comments about the enforcement action.
Violation Description - 11violation11_descriptiontextA brief description of the violation.
Violation Points - 11violation11_pointsnumberThe amount of points assigned to this violation.
Violation Detail - 11violation11_texttextField used to describe the type of violation associated with the enforcement action.
Violation Memo - 11violation11_memotextThis field is used for any additional comments about the enforcement action.
Violation Description - 12violation12_descriptiontextA brief description of the violation.
Violation Points - 12violation12_pointsnumberThe amount of points assigned to this violation.
Violation Detail - 12violation12_texttextField used to describe the type of violation associated with the enforcement action.
Violation Memo - 12violation12_memotextThis field is used for any additional comments about the enforcement action.
Violation Description - 13violation13_descriptiontextA brief description of the violation.
Violation Points - 13violation13_pointsnumberThe amount of points assigned to this violation.
Violation Detail - 13violation13_texttextField used to describe the type of violation associated with the enforcement action.
Violation Memo - 13violation13_memotextThis field is used for any additional comments about the enforcement action.
Violation Description - 14violation14_descriptiontextA brief description of the violation.
Violation Points - 14violation14_pointsnumberThe amount of points assigned to this violation.
Violation Detail - 14violation14_texttextField used to describe the type of violation associated with the enforcement action.
Violation Memo - 14violation14_memotextThis field is used for any additional comments about the enforcement action.
Violation Description - 15violation15_descriptiontextA brief description of the violation.
Violation Points - 15violation15_pointsnumberThe amount of points assigned to this violation.
Violation Detail - 15violation15_texttextField used to describe the type of violation associated with the enforcement action.
Violation Memo - 15violation15_memotextThis field is used for any additional comments about the enforcement action.
Violation Description - 16violation16_descriptiontextA brief description of the violation.
Violation Points - 16violation16_pointsnumberThe amount of points assigned to this violation.
Violation Detail - 16violation16_texttextField used to describe the type of violation associated with the enforcement action.
Violation Memo - 16violation16_memotextThis field is used for any additional comments about the enforcement action.
Violation Description - 17violation17_descriptiontextA brief description of the violation.
Violation Points - 17violation17_pointsnumberThe amount of points assigned to this violation.
Violation Detail - 17violation17_texttextField used to describe the type of violation associated with the enforcement action.
Violation Memo - 17violation17_memotextThis field is used for any additional comments about the enforcement action.
Violation Description - 18violation18_descriptiontextA brief description of the violation.
Violation Points - 18violation18_pointsnumberThe amount of points assigned to this violation.
Violation Detail - 18violation18_texttextField used to describe the type of violation associated with the enforcement action.
Violation Memo - 18violation18_memotextThis field is used for any additional comments about the enforcement action.
Violation Description - 19violation19_descriptiontextA brief description of the violation.
Violation Points - 19violation19_pointsnumberThe amount of points assigned to this violation.
Violation Detail - 19violation19_texttextField used to describe the type of violation associated with the enforcement action.
Violation Memo - 19violation19_memotextThis field is used for any additional comments about the enforcement action.
Violation Description - 20violation20_descriptiontextA brief description of the violation.
Violation Points - 20violation20_pointsnumberThe amount of points assigned to this violation.
Violation Detail - 20violation20_texttextField used to describe the type of violation associated with the enforcement action.
Violation Memo - 20violation20_memotextThis field is used for any additional comments about the enforcement action.
Violation Description - 21violation21_descriptiontextA brief description of the violation.
Violation Points - 21violation21_pointsnumberThe amount of points assigned to this violation.
Violation Detail - 21violation21_texttextField used to describe the type of violation associated with the enforcement action.
Violation Memo - 21violation21_memotextThis field is used for any additional comments about the enforcement action.
Violation Description - 22violation22_descriptiontextA brief description of the violation.
Violation Points - 22violation22_pointsnumberThe amount of points assigned to this violation.
Violation Detail - 22violation22_texttextField used to describe the type of violation associated with the enforcement action.
Violation Memo - 22violation22_memotextThis field is used for any additional comments about the enforcement action.
Violation Description - 23violation23_descriptiontextA brief description of the violation.
Violation Points - 23violation23_pointsnumberThe amount of points assigned to this violation.
Violation Detail - 23violation23_texttextField used to describe the type of violation associated with the enforcement action.
Violation Memo - 23violation23_memotextThis field is used for any additional comments about the enforcement action.
Violation Description - 24violation24_descriptiontextA brief description of the violation.
Violation Points - 24violation24_pointsnumberThe amount of points assigned to this violation.
Violation Detail - 24violation24_texttextField used to describe the type of violation associated with the enforcement action.
Violation Memo - 24violation24_memotextThis field is used for any additional comments about the enforcement action.
Violation Description - 25violation25_descriptiontextA brief description of the violation.
Violation Points - 25violation25_pointsnumberThe amount of points assigned to this violation.
Violation Detail - 25violation25_texttextField used to describe the type of violation associated with the enforcement action.
Violation Memo - 25violation25_memotextThis field is used for any additional comments about the enforcement action.
Inspection MonthmonthtextAdded column to improve visualization of inspections by month
Inspection Yearinspection_yeartextAdded column to improve visualization of inspections for specific fiscal years
Lat Long Locationlat_longlocationDenotes a location point on a longitude line (perpendicular to the equator) and latitude line (parallel to the equator)