Building Inspection Certifcates Of Occupancy Fiscal Year 2015 - 2016 | Last Updated 13 Aug 2021

Building Inspection Certificates Of Occupancy FY2016

Tags: building, inspection, certificate, occupancy, code district, zip code, land use, business name, address, co #, purpose, building codes, date issued, type of co

This dataset has the following 14 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
CO #conumberYYMMDD(# designation district office, ex 1=OCMC)(serial # --001 to 999) Ex: 000112046015 means permit was applied for on Jan 12, 2000 at district office NE (the 6) and it is the 15th permit at that office.
Business Namebusiness_nametextThe official 'doing business as' registered with county
AddressaddresstextStreet number and name (including suites) for permitted address
Zip Codezip_codenumberZip Code for address
Land Useland_usetextPurpose in which the land can be used. From official list of zoning land uses in City ordinance
OccupancyoccupancytextOccupancy code from building codes
Code Districtcode_districttextCity of Dallas Code district for that address
Sq Ftsq_ftnumberArea of the business
Date Approveddate_approvedcalendar_dateThe CO is in 'issued' status (which is actually approved status)
Date Issueddate_issuedcalendar_dateThe CO is in 'complete' status (which is when CO is issued)
Type of COtype_of_cotextType of Certificate
MonthmonthtextMonth of approval
YearyeartextFiscal Year of Approval
GeolocationgeolocationlocationGeographic location of the object.