827 Exposition

www.dallasopendata.com | Last Updated 29 Mar 2021

There are over 200 violations that are reported in the 311 system that affect the quality of neighborhood life. The most common are high weeds, litter, junk motor vehicles, and bulky trash. Some are more health related like mosquitoes. Others are environmental such as water conservation. The annual volume of reported code violations is approximately 200,000 annually. For the purpose of this data set, cases are grouped into four categories: structure, nuisance, zoning and other.

This dataset has the following 18 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
Service Request IDservice_request_idnumberA unique system assigned number
Service Requestservice_requesttextThe case number assigned by the 311 system
Str Numstr_numnumberA verified street address
Str Prefixstr_prefixtextStreet Direction
Str Namstr_namtextStreet Name
Str Suffixstr_suffixtextStreet suffix: Place, court, circle, etc.
ZonezonetextZip Code
DepartmentdepartmenttextCode Compliance
NuisancenuisancetextType of nuisance violation such as Litter, High Weeds
StatusstatustextOpen or closed
Createdcreatedcalendar_dateDate the case was created in the system
Completed Datecompleted_datecalendar_dateDate the case was closed
Method Received Descriptionmethod_received_descriptiontextHow 311 received the complaint
X_Valuex_valuenumberGeo coordinate
Y_Valuey_valuenumberGeo coordinate
TypetypetextShows the stage of the case: complaint, investigation, resolution
LocationlocationlocationGeo coded location
Updatedupdatedcalendar_dateDate the information was updated