Litter 311 Service Requests January 1 2017 to June 30 2018 | Last Updated 30 Jan 2024

There are over 400 service requests types that are reported in the 311 system that affect the quality of life of our citizens, neighborhoods, and communities. The most popular service requests include but are not limited to animal services requests, high weeds, junk motor vehicles, and a number of other code compliance-related issues. Requests that deal with streets and mobility such as street and pot hole repair are also very common. 311 also receives requests to address environmental issues such as water conservation and air quality complaints. This dataset represents all Service Requests for the fiscal year time period of October 1, 2016 to September 30, 2017.

Tags: 311, service, service requests

This dataset has the following 18 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescription
Service Request Numberservice_request_numbertextUnique ID given to each documented request for a city service; the first two digits designate the last two digits of the calendar year the service request was created (e.g., 16 = 2016)
AddressaddresstextStreet Address
City Council Districtcity_council_districtnumberGeographical borderlines for legislative representation throughout the city
DepartmentdepartmenttextCity Departments and Offices
Service Request Typeservice_request_typetextType of complaint submitted by customer or service offered by the City
ERT (Estimated Response Time)ert_estimated_response_timenumberThe time allotted for the initial inspection and/or assessment. (There may be variance from department to department concerning calendar versus business days.)
Overall Service Request Due Dateoverall_service_request_due_datecalendar_dateThe service request and all activities should be completed by the listed date
StatusstatustextDenotes whether a service request is currently being actively worked or has been resolved
Created Datecreated_datecalendar_dateDate the service request was created
Update Dateupdate_datecalendar_dateDate the service request was last updated with new information or activity
Closed Dateclosed_datecalendar_dateDate the service request was completed
OutcomeoutcometextDocuments the action taken on a service request
PriorityprioritytextDenotes the precedence of how a service request will be handled
Method Received Descriptionmethod_received_descriptiontextMode in which 311 receives the request for service
X Coordinatex_coordinatenumberDenotes a point where (x axis) horizontal lines intersect on a map
Y Coordinatey_coordinatenumberDenotes a point where vertical (y axis) lines intersect on a map
Lat Long Locationlat_long_locationlocationDenotes a location point on a longitude line (perpendicular to the equator) and latitude line (parallel to the equator)
Unique Keyunique_keytextInternal Key