ACT Road Crash Data | Last Updated 15 Aug 2022

<b>DATASET DISCLAIMER: Spatial location of road crashes within the ACT from 2012 to 2021 that have been reported by the Police or the Public through the AFP Crash Report Form. This dataset only represents crashes that have been reported using the AFP Crash Report Form, and any crashes which have been reported through other channels are not displayed within this dataset. Note that this data may not represent the exact spatial location of each reported road crash, as the points of each crash are purely indicative of the intersection or midblock location as indicated by the point attributes. Crashes are reviewed on an annual basis, so the existing data may change over time as a result of this review.</b>

Tags: roads, crash, location, data, spatial

This dataset has the following 15 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
CRASH_IDcrash_idtextUnique Identifier for Crash
CRASH_DATEcrash_datecalendar_dateReported date of crash
CRASH_TIMEcrash_timetextReported approximate time of crash
SUBURB_LOCATIONsuburb_locationtextSuburb/Rural Division location of crash
LONGITUDExnumberLongitude coordinate for spatial location of crash
LATITUDEynumberLatitude coordinate for spatial location of crash
INTERSECTIONintersectiontextIndicates whether the crash occurred at an intersection
MIDBLOCKmidblocktextIndicates whether the crash occurred within a road midblock
CRASH_DIRECTIONcrash_directiontextDirection of travel at location of crash
CRASH_SEVERITYcrash_severitytextLevel of severity for crash
LIGHTING_CONDITIONlighting_conditiontextLevel of lighting present at the time of the crash
ROAD_CONDITIONroad_conditiontextLevel of moisture on road at time of crash
WEATHER_CONDITIONweather_conditiontextWeather condition at the time of the crash