- Expenditures
The total administration salaries of Arizona was $308,301,228 in 2013. The total administration salaries of Pennsylvania was $690,310,297 in 2013. The total administration salaries of Washington was $442,828,548 in 2013.
Capital Expenditures
Capital Expenditures Per Student
Administration Salaries
Administration Salaries Per Student
Instruction Salaries
Instruction Salaries Per Student
All expenditures data are in US$. Year values represent the end of a school year; for example, if the school year was 2004-2005, the listed year will be 2005. Normalization is applied against the total student enrollment for that year; for example, the capital expenditures per student takes the total capital expenditures ending in the given school year, and divides by the total enrollees in that given year, with the result rounded to the nearest integer.
Above charts are based on data from the Institute of Education Sciences at National Center for Education Statistics | ODN Dataset | API -
Education and Expenditures Datasets Involving Pennsylvania or Washington or Arizona
Governor's Executive Budget Program Measures SFY 2017 - Current Annual Statewide Education
data.pa.gov | Last Updated 2023-03-30T15:58:52.000ZThe information included in this dataset is for the Governor’s Executive Budget and provides key Program Measures by Agency or Office.