The population count of Wichita, KS was 389,563 in 2018. The population count of Kansas City, MO was 481,417 in 2018.


Population Change

Above charts are based on data from the U.S. Census American Community Survey | ODN Dataset | API - Notes:

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Demographics and Population Datasets Involving Wichita, KS or Kansas City, MO

  • API

    Population by Neighborhood | Last Updated 2023-12-28T20:19:02.000Z

    This dataset was provided by the City Planning and Development Department and contains population figures for each Kansas City, Missouri Neighborhood according to the 2010 Census.

  • API

    FTF Ghana 2015 Interim Population-Based Survey: Household Demographics | Last Updated 2019-12-13T20:50:34.000Z

    Feed the Future (FTF) initiative in Ghana is a collaborative effort that supports country-owned processes and plans for improving food security and nutrition, particularly in the northern part of the country. These datasets cover the interim survey that took place in 2015 and was designed as a follow-up to the baseline survey that happened from 2012 to 2013. The survey covered a range of indicators organized around four groups: (1) economic well-being; (2) women and children anthropometry; (3) hunger and diet diversity; and (4) women's empowerment. The survey design involved two stages in which enumeration areas were selected followed by households. Data was collected in a face-to-face fashion using well-designed questionnaires and other study materials.