The population density of Forest Lake, MN was 643 in 2018.

Population Density

Population Density is computed by dividing the total population by Land Area Per Square Mile.

Above charts are based on data from the U.S. Census American Community Survey | ODN Dataset | API - Notes:

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Geographic and Population Datasets Involving Forest Lake, MN

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    WAOFM - Census - Population Density by County by Decade, 1900 to 2020 | Last Updated 2023-07-06T16:48:57.000Z

    Washington state population density by county by decade 1900 to 2020.

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    2019 Volunteers Count Report - Neighborhoods | Last Updated 2024-01-25T21:38:46.000Z

    The annual NYC Volunteers Count report is the City’s largest scan of residents volunteering at organizations across New York City. Organizations, including City agencies, Mayoral offices, and nonprofits, are surveyed to understand how residents volunteer within the city’s infrastructure to strengthen communities at the neighborhood level. All participating organizations are recognized for their contributions in the annual NYC Volunteers Count report.

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    City and Township Population Data | Last Updated 2022-03-21T15:37:41.000Z

    Sources: MN State Demographic Center and the Metropolitan Council. Released August 2020. The Minnesota State Demographic Center (our office) and the Metropolitan Council jointly produce population and household estimates for all years between the U.S. Census Bureau's decennial (10-year) counts.  The Met Council produces the estimates for the seven counties of Anoka, Carver, Dakota, Hennepin, Ramsey, Scott, and Washington, as well as all cities and townships within those counties. Our office produces the estimates for the other 80 Minnesota counties outside of the 7-county metro, as well as all cities and townships within those counties. Notes: New estimates are released annually in late July for the prior year. All data are dated to April 1. Persons per household is calculated by dividing the household population by the number of occupied households in any given geography. The household population does not equal the total population because some residents live in "group quarters" settings (such as college dormitories, nursing facilities, shelters, treatment centers, religious orders, military barracks, or correctional facilities), and thus are not living in households.  Cities that cross county boundaries are segmented by each county's portion (labeled "part"), as well as appearing in total under "Multi-County City" in the "COUNTY NAME" column.

  • API

    WAOFM - April 1 - Population Density by County, 2000 to Present | Last Updated 2024-07-11T21:24:42.000Z

    Intercensal and postcensal estimates of population density by county 2000 to present.

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    Biodiversity by County - Distribution of Animals, Plants and Natural Communities | Last Updated 2022-02-25T19:45:56.000Z

    The NYS Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) collects and maintains several datasets on the locations, distribution and status of species of plants and animals. Information on distribution by county from the following three databases was extracted and compiled into this dataset. First, the New York Natural Heritage Program biodiversity database: Rare animals, rare plants, and significant natural communities. Significant natural communities are rare or high-quality wetlands, forests, grasslands, ponds, streams, and other types of habitats. Next, the 2nd NYS Breeding Bird Atlas Project database: Birds documented as breeding during the atlas project from 2000-2005. And last, DEC’s NYS Reptile and Amphibian Database: Reptiles and amphibians; most records are from the NYS Amphibian & Reptile Atlas Project (Herp Atlas) from 1990-1999.

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    Iowa Geographic Names | Last Updated 2024-09-20T22:00:21.000Z

    This dataset provides the geographic names data for Iowa. All names data products are extracted from the Geographic Names Information System (GNIS), the Federal Government's repository of official geographic names. The GNIS contains the federally recognized name of each feature and defines its location by State, county, USGS topographic map, and geographic coordinates. GNIS also lists variant names, which are non-official names by which a feature is or was known. Other attributes include unique Feature ID and feature class. Feature classes under the purview of the U.S. Board on Geographic Names include natural features, unincorporated populated places, canals, channels, reservoirs, and more.

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    City Infrastructure Needs | Last Updated 2016-08-08T23:16:13.000Z

    Information provided by respondent cities through the 2016 LOC Infrastructure Survey. Data is and aggregation of capital projects needs for the next 20 years.

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    Police Departments and Total Employees | Last Updated 2019-04-23T03:41:16.000Z

    List of Cities with Police Departments and respective FTE as of 2013.

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    Surface Drinking Water Importance - Forests on the Edge_data | Last Updated 2024-04-10T19:40:35.000Z

    America’s private forests provide a vast array of public goods and services, including abundant, clean surface water. Forest loss and development can affect water quality and quantity when forests are removed and impervious surfaces, such as paved roads, spread across the landscape. We rank watersheds across the conterminous United States according to the contributions of private forest land to surface drinking water and by threats to surface water from increased housing density. Private forest land contributions to drinking water are greatest in the East but are also important in Western watersheds. Development pressures on these contributions are concentrated in the Eastern United States but are also found in the North-Central region, parts of the West and Southwest, and the Pacific Northwest; nationwide, more than 55 million acres of rural private forest land are projected to experience a substantial increase in housing density from 2000 to 2030. Planners, communities, and private landowners can use a range of strategies to maintain freshwater ecosystems, including designing housing and roads to minimize impacts on water quality, managing home sites to protect water resources, and using payment schemes and management partnerships to invest in forest stewardship on public and private lands.This data is based on the digital hydrologic unit boundary layer to the Subwatershed (12-digit) 6th level for the continental United States. To focus this analysis on watersheds with private forests, only watersheds with at least 10% forested land and more than 50 acres of private forest were analyzed. All other watersheds were labeled “Insufficient private forest for this analysis"and coded -99999 in the data table. This dataset updates forest and development statistics reported in the the 2011 Forests to Faucet analysis using 2006 National Land Cover Database for the Conterminous United States, Grid Values=41,42,43,95. and Theobald, Dr. David M. 10 March 2008. bhc2000 and bhc2030 (Housing density for the coterminous US in 2000 and 2030, respectively.) Field Descriptions:HUC_12: Twelve Digit Hydrologic Unit Code: This field provides a unique 12-digit code for each subwatershed.HU_12_DS: Sixth Level Downstream Hydrologic Unit Code: This field was populated with the 12-digit code of the 6th level hydrologic unit that is receiving the majority of the flow from the subwatershed.IMP1: Index of surface drinking water importance (Appendix Map). This field is from the 2011 Forests to Faucet analysis and has not been updated for this analysis.HDCHG_AC: Acres of housing density change on private forest in the subwatershed. HDCHG_PER: Percent of the watershed to experience housing density change on private forest. IMP_HD_PFOR: Index Private Forest importance to Surface Drinking Water with Development Pressure - identifies private forested areas important for surface drinking water that are likely to be affected by future increases in housing density, Ptle_IMP_HD: Private Forest importance to Surface Drinking Water with Development Pressure (Figure 7), percentile. Ptle_HDCHG: Percentage of each subwatershed to Experience an increase in House Density in Private Forest (Figure 6), percentile. FOR_AC: Acres forest (2006) in the subwatershed. PFOR_AC: Acres private forest (2006) in the subwatershed. PFOR_PER: Percent of the subwatershed that is private forest. HU12_AC: Acreage of the subwatershedFOR_PER: Percent of the subwatershed that is forest. PFOR_IMP: Index of Private Forest Importance to Surface Drinking Water. .Ptle_PFIMP: Private forest importance to surface drinking water(Figure 4), percentile. TOP100: Top 100 subwatersheds. 50 from the East, 50 from the west (using the Mississippi River as the divide.) (Figure 8)TOP50EW: 1 = EAST; 2=WESTPoint of Contact: Rebecca Lilja GIS SpecialistForest ServiceNortheastern Area State and Private Forestryp: 603-868-7627 c: 603-953-4307 rlilja@fs.fed.us271 Mast Rd Durham, NH 03824

  • API

    Historical Populations 2000-2016 | Last Updated 2017-02-06T20:50:54.000Z

    Population Data from Portland State University Center for Population Research