The crime incident count of Lynn, MA was 369 for aggravated assault in 2018. The crime incident count of Nashua, NH was 47 for aggravated assault in 2018.

Crime Incident Count

Crime Incident Rate per 100,000 People

Crime statistics are sourced from the FBI Uniform Crime Reporting Program and aggregated across year and crime type. The FBI does not gather statistics for all jurisdictions, so some localities may be missing. Normalization is based on the population values published with the UCR data itself, so rather than on US Census data, as the jurisdiction of the data may vary. Crime rates are normalized on a per 100K basis; specifically, the crime count is divided by the population count, the result is then multiplied by 100K and rounded to the nearest integer value. Latest data, displayed in charts and other visualizations, is from 2014.

Above charts are based on data from the FBI Uniform Crime Reporting Program | ODN Dataset | API - Notes:

1. ODN datasets and APIs are subject to change and may differ in format from the original source data in order to provide a user-friendly experience on this site.

2. To build your own apps using this data, see the ODN Dataset and API links.

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Public Safety and Crime Datasets Involving Nashua, NH or Lynn, MA

  • API

    Arrests | Last Updated 2024-10-31T11:35:56.000Z

    Each record in this dataset shows information about an arrest executed by the Chicago Police Department (CPD). Source data comes from the CPD Automated Arrest application. This electronic application is part of the CPD CLEAR (Citizen Law Enforcement Analysis and Reporting) system, and is used to process arrests Department-wide. A more-detailed version of this dataset is available to media by request. To make a request, please email <a href=" Access Request"></a> with the subject line: <b>Arrests Access Request</b>. Access will require an account on this site, which you may create at New data fields may be added to this public dataset in the future. Requests for individual arrest reports or any other related data other than access to the more-detailed dataset should be directed to <a href="">CPD</a>, through contact information on that site or a <a href="">Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)</a> request. The data is limited to adult arrests, defined as any arrest where the arrestee was 18 years of age or older on the date of arrest. The data excludes arrest records expunged by CPD pursuant to the Illinois Criminal Identification Act (20 ILCS 2630/5.2). Department members use charges that appear in Illinois Compiled Statutes or Municipal Code of Chicago. Arrestees may be charged with multiple offenses from these sources. Each record in the dataset includes up to four charges, ordered by severity and with CHARGE1 as the most severe charge. Severity is defined based on charge class and charge type, criteria that are routinely used by Illinois court systems to determine penalties for conviction. In case of a tie, charges are presented in the order that the arresting officer listed the charges on the arrest report. By policy, Department members are provided general instructions to emphasize seriousness of the offense when ordering charges on an arrest report. Each record has an additional set of columns where a charge characteristic (statute, description, type, or class) for all four charges, or fewer if there were not four charges, is concatenated with the | character. These columns can be used with the Filter function's "Contains" operator to find all records where a value appears, without having to search four separate columns. Users interested in learning more about CPD arrest processes can review current directives, using the CPD Automated Directives system ( Relevant directives include: • Special Order S06-01-11 – CLEAR Automated Arrest System: describes the application used by Department members to enter arrest data. • Special Order S06-01-04 – Arrestee Identification Process: describes processes related to obtaining and using CB numbers. • Special Order S09-03-04 – Assignment and Processing of Records Division Numbers: describes processes related to obtaining and using RD numbers. • Special Order 06-01 – Processing Persons Under Department Control: describes required tasks associated with arrestee processing, include the requirement that Department members order charges based on severity.