The crime incident count of Parma, OH was 68 for aggravated assault in 2018. The crime incident count of Bethlehem, PA was 124 for aggravated assault in 2018. The crime incident count of Scranton, PA was 704 for aggravated assault in 2018.
Crime Incident Count
Crime Incident Rate per 100,000 People
Crime statistics are sourced from the FBI Uniform Crime Reporting Program and aggregated across year and crime type. The FBI does not gather statistics for all jurisdictions, so some localities may be missing. Normalization is based on the population values published with the UCR data itself, so rather than on US Census data, as the jurisdiction of the data may vary. Crime rates are normalized on a per 100K basis; specifically, the crime count is divided by the population count, the result is then multiplied by 100K and rounded to the nearest integer value. Latest data, displayed in charts and other visualizations, is from 2014.
Above charts are based on data from the FBI Uniform Crime Reporting Program | ODN Dataset | API -
Public Safety and Crime Datasets Involving Bethlehem, PA or Parma, OH or Scranton, PA
Opioid Seizures and Arrests CY 2013 - Current Quarterly County State Police | Last Updated 2024-04-08T19:00:21.000ZThis dataset contains summary information on opioid drug seizures and arrests made by Pennsylvania State Police (PSP) personnel, stationed statewide, on a quarterly basis. Every effort is made to collect and record all opioid drug seizures and arrests however, the information provided may not represent the totality of all seizures and opioid arrests made by PSP personnel. Data is currently available from January 1, 2013 through most current data available. Seizure Opioids seized as a result of undercover buys, search warrants, traffic stops and other investigative encounters. An incident is a Pennsylvania State Police (PSP) recorded violation of the Controlled Substance Act and an entry into the PSP Statistical Narcotics System. By regulation, entry is made by the PSP as stated in PSP Administrative Regulation 9-6: When violations of The Controlled Substance, Drug, Device and Cosmetic Act are reported, the required statistical information concerning the incident shall be entered into the Statistical Narcotic Reporting System (SNRS). Incidents may include undercover buys, search warrants, traffic stops and other investigative encounters So, an “incident” is not based on any arrest, but on a reported violation, though it often can include arrests. The incidents that are selected and forwarded to the portal are those that include a record of one or more seizures of the opioid drugs. In turn, a subset of those selected incidents also contains a record of one or more arrests. This is PSP data only, it would not include any Federal case/incident data.
Governor's Executive Budget Program Measures SFY 2017 - Current Annual Statewide State Police | Last Updated 2023-02-08T18:36:25.000ZThe information included in this dataset is for the Governor’s Executive Budget and provides key Program Measures by Agency or Office.
Naloxone First Responder Program 2017 - Current County Commission on Crime and Delinquency | Last Updated 2022-10-17T20:16:51.000ZThe Naloxone for First Responders dataset is based on data obtained from individual Centralize Coordinating Entities (CCEs) who have provided data to PCCD on a quarterly basis. CCE's provide naloxone to eligible first responders in their local community.<br> The data includes the number of kits of naloxone that were provided by CCEs to first responders in each county, the types of first responders who received those kits, the number of doses used by first responders in that county, and the number of overdose reversals in that county.