The population density of New Britain, PA was 2,466 in 2018. The population density of Wyoming, PA was 2,103 in 2018.

Population Density

Population Density is computed by dividing the total population by Land Area Per Square Mile.

Above charts are based on data from the U.S. Census American Community Survey | ODN Dataset | API - Notes:

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2. To build your own apps using this data, see the ODN Dataset and API links.

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Geographic and Population Datasets Involving New Britain, PA or Wyoming, PA

  • API

    COVID-19 Aggregate Death Data Current Monthly County Health | Last Updated 2024-05-08T15:02:53.000Z

    This dataset contains aggregate death data at the state and county level for Pennsylvania residents. The data are displayed by county, date, death counts, averages, rates based on population. Pennsylvania statewide numbers are listed with Pennsylvania named as the county for the statewide totals. Do not add up the entire file (all rows) or counts will be duplicated.

  • API

    COVID-19 Aggregate Cases NO FURTHER UPDATES | Last Updated 2024-05-08T14:25:45.000Z

    Weekly updates have finished with the June 28th update. Some information may be found here: <br> This dataset contains aggregate COVID-19 case counts and rates by date of first report for all counties in Pennsylvania and for the state as a whole. Counts include both confirmed and probable cases as defined by the Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists (CSTE). At present, a person is counted as a case only once. Note that case counts by date of report are influenced by a variety of factors, including but not limited to testing availability, test ordering patterns (such as day of week patterns), labs reporting backlogged test results, and mass screenings in nursing homes, workplaces, schools, etc. Case reports received without a patient address are assigned to the county of the ordering provider or facility based on provider zip code. Cases reported with a residential address that does not match to a known postal address per the commonwealth geocoding service are assigned to a county based on the zip code of residence. Many zip codes cross county boundaries so there is some degree of misclassification of county. All counts may change on a daily basis due to reassignment of jurisdiction, removal of duplicate case reports, correction of errors, and other daily data cleaning activities. Downloaded data represents the best information available as of the previous day. <br> Data will be updated between 11:30 am to 1:30pm each Wednesday.

  • API

    Educational Attainment by Age Range and Gender 2009-2016 County Annual Education | Last Updated 2022-10-17T19:34:54.000Z

    County level educational attainment data on the adult working aged population (25-64) by age range and gender. Data is sourced from the US Census Bureau’s American Community Survey (ACS) 5-year estimates allowing for increased statistical reliability of the data for less populated areas and small population subgroups. More information here -

  • API

    Counts and Rates of New HIV Diagnoses Among Individuals Using Injection Drugs January 2016 - Current Monthly County & Statewide Health | Last Updated 2023-09-19T14:46:53.000Z

    This indicator includes the count and rate of new HIV diagnoses among individuals using injection drugs per 100,000 individuals estimated to have Drug Use Disorder.

  • API

    Population Estimates Statewide & County Current (Census) | Last Updated 2022-10-24T13:37:05.000Z

    The population and housing unit estimates are released on a flow basis throughout each year. Each new series of data (called vintages) incorporates the latest administrative record data, geographic boundaries, and methodology. Therefore, the entire time series of estimates beginning with the date of the most recent decennial census is revised annually, and estimates from different vintages of data may not be consistent across geography and characteristics detail. <br> <B> When multiple vintages of data are available, the most recent vintage is the preferred data. </B> The vintage year (e.g., V2021) refers to the final year of the time series. The reference date for all estimates is July 1, unless otherwise specified. Additional estimates files may also be accessed via the <a href=“”>Census Bureau application programming interface (API)</a>. Additional information on the Census Bureau's Population Estimates Program (PEP) is available on the PEP's homepage <a href=“”>Census Bureau's Population Estimates Program</a>. Notes: For vintage 2019: The estimates are based on the 2010 Census and reflect changes to the April 1, 2010 population due to the Count Question Resolution program and geographic program revisions. All geographic boundaries for the 2019 population estimates are as of January 1, 2019. For vintage 2021: The estimates are developed from a base that incorporates the 2020 Census, Vintage 2020 estimates, and 2020 Demographic Analysis estimates. The estimates are developed from a base that incorporates the 2020 Census, Vintage 2020 estimates, and 2020 Demographic Analysis estimates. For population estimates methodology statements, see <a href = ""></a>. Sources: U.S. Census Bureau, Population Division Annual Estimates of the Resident Population for Counties in Pennsylvania: April 1, 2010 to July 1, 2019 (CO-EST2019-ANNRES-42) - Release Date: March 2020 Annual Estimates of the Resident Population for Counties in Pennsylvania: April 1, 2020 to July 1, 2021 (CO-EST2021-POP-42) - Release Date: March 2022

  • API

    Public Transit Services and Reduced-fare Programs by County, Current, Transportation | Last Updated 2024-10-12T08:07:34.000Z

    This dataset lists all public transit services and reduced-fare programs currently provided in each county of PA. Public transportation is available in every county in Pennsylvania, with a wide range of services including: - Fixed-route transit service in Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, 21 small urban areas, and 22 rural areas - 44 systems offering shared-ride services in all Pennsylvania counties - 13 intercity bus routes - Keystone Corridor Amtrak service, running from Harrisburg to New York by way of Philadelphia, and Pennsylvanian Amtrak service running from Pittsburgh to Philadelphia - 66 counties with rural transportation for persons with disabilities NOTE: Service providers offering two or more reduced-fare programs have duplicate records to reflect the various programs and to allow sorting by program type.

  • API

    MUNICIPAL_BOUNDARY | Last Updated 2024-07-25T06:08:41.000Z

  • API

    Uninsured Population Census Data CY 2009-2014 Human Services | Last Updated 2022-10-18T14:19:11.000Z

    This data is pulled from the U.S. Census website. This data is for years Calendar Years 2009-2014. Product: SAHIE File Layout Overview Small Area Health Insurance Estimates Program - SAHIE Filenames: SAHIE Text and SAHIE CSV files 2009 – 2014 Source: Small Area Health Insurance Estimates Program, U.S. Census Bureau. Internet Release Date: May 2016 Description: Model‐based Small Area Health Insurance Estimates (SAHIE) for Counties and States File Layout and Definitions The Small Area Health Insurance Estimates (SAHIE) program was created to develop model-based estimates of health insurance coverage for counties and states. This program builds on the work of the Small Area Income and Poverty Estimates (SAIPE) program. SAHIE is only source of single-year health insurance coverage estimates for all U.S. counties. For 2008-2014, SAHIE publishes STATE and COUNTY estimates of population with and without health insurance coverage, along with measures of uncertainty, for the full cross-classification of: •5 age categories: 0-64, 18-64, 21-64, 40-64, and 50-64 •3 sex categories: both sexes, male, and female •6 income categories: all incomes, as well as income-to-poverty ratio (IPR) categories 0-138%, 0-200%, 0-250%, 0-400%, and 138-400% of the poverty threshold •4 races/ethnicities (for states only): all races/ethnicities, White not Hispanic, Black not Hispanic, and Hispanic (any race). In addition, estimates for age category 0-18 by the income categories listed above are published. Each year’s estimates are adjusted so that, before rounding, the county estimates sum to their respective state totals and for key demographics the state estimates sum to the national ACS numbers insured and uninsured. This program is partially funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC), National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection ProgramLink to a non-federal Web site (NBCCEDP). The CDC have a congressional mandate to provide screening services for breast and cervical cancer to low-income, uninsured, and underserved women through the NBCCEDP. Most state NBCCEDP programs define low-income as 200 or 250 percent of the poverty threshold. Also included are IPR categories relevant to the Affordable Care Act (ACA). In 2014, the ACA will help families gain access to health care by allowing Medicaid to cover families with incomes less than or equal to 138 percent of the poverty line. Families with incomes above the level needed to qualify for Medicaid, but less than or equal to 400 percent of the poverty line can receive tax credits that will help them pay for health coverage in the new health insurance exchanges. We welcome your feedback as we continue to research and improve our estimation methods. The SAHIE program's age model methodology and estimates have undergone internal U.S. Census Bureau review as well as external review. See the SAHIE Methodological Review page for more details and a summary of the comments and our response. The SAHIE program models health insurance coverage by combining survey data from several sources, including: •The American Community Survey (ACS) •Demographic population estimates •Aggregated federal tax returns •Participation records for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), formerly known as the Food Stamp program •County Business Patterns •Medicaid •Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) participation records •Census 2010 Margin of error (MOE). Some ACS products provide an MOE instead of confidence intervals. An MOE is the difference between an estimate and its upper or lower confidence bounds. Confidence bounds can be created by adding the margin of error to the estimate (for the upper bound) and subtracting the margin of error from the estimate (for the lower bound). All published ACS margins of error are based on a 90-percent confidence level.