The crime incident count of Moore, OK was 56 for aggravated assault in 2018. The crime incident count of DeSoto, TX was 95 for aggravated assault in 2018. The crime incident count of Euless, TX was 55 for aggravated assault in 2018.
Crime Incident Count
Crime Incident Rate per 100,000 People
Crime statistics are sourced from the FBI Uniform Crime Reporting Program and aggregated across year and crime type. The FBI does not gather statistics for all jurisdictions, so some localities may be missing. Normalization is based on the population values published with the UCR data itself, so rather than on US Census data, as the jurisdiction of the data may vary. Crime rates are normalized on a per 100K basis; specifically, the crime count is divided by the population count, the result is then multiplied by 100K and rounded to the nearest integer value. Latest data, displayed in charts and other visualizations, is from 2014.
Above charts are based on data from the FBI Uniform Crime Reporting Program | ODN Dataset | API -
Public Safety and Crime Datasets Involving Euless, TX or DeSoto, TX or Moore, OK
APD Arrests | Last Updated 2024-10-08T14:29:01.000ZDATASET DESCRIPTION: When an officer finds it necessary to arrest an individual, such as upon witnessing a crime, having probable cause, or acting on a judge-issued arrest warrant, they are required to write an arrest report. The arrest report details the conditions of the arrest and directly pertains to the individual in question. Additionally, it includes specific details of the charges associated with the arrest. GENERAL ORDERS RELATED TO ARRESTS Austin Police Department General Order 319 states, "This order outlines the guidelines for warrant and warrantless arrests. The following order cannot address every situation that an officer might encounter; however, in exercising arrest authority, officers should be guided by what is contained in this document. Nothing in this order should be interpreted as authorizing or restricting an officer's arrest authority as defined by the Code of Criminal Procedure." AUSTIN POLICE DEPARTMENT DATA DISCLAIMER 1. The data provided is for informational use only and may differ from official Austin Police Department data. 2. The Austin Police Department’s databases are continuously updated, and changes can be made due to a variety of investigative factors including but not limited to offense reclassification and dates. 3. Reports run at different times may produce different results. Care should be taken when comparing against other reports as different data collection methods and different systems of record may have been used. 4.The Austin Police Department does not assume any liability for any decision made or action taken or not taken by the recipient in reliance upon any information or data provided. City of Austin Open Data Terms of Use -