The cost of living index of Beaumont Metro Area (TX) was 90 for all in 2009.

Cost of Living

Overall Cost of Living

Cost of Goods

Cost of Rents

Other Costs

The cost of living index measures the difference in the price levels of goods and services across regions. The average cost of living index in the U.S. is 100, with higher values corresponding to costlier goods and services. Data is available for U.S. states and metropolitan areas.

Above charts are based on data from the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis | Data Source | ODN Dataset | API - Notes:

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Economy and Cost of Living Datasets Involving Beaumont Metro Area (TX)

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    Key Economic Indicators | Last Updated 2024-06-03T16:16:52.000Z

    An economic indicator is a statistic about an economic activity, and they allow analysis of economic performance and predictions of current and future economic performance. The TX Comptroller’s Key Economic Indicators includes such measures for TX & the US employment and unemployment, consumer confidence, price inflation, housing data, etc. See for more information on our agency’s privacy and security policies.

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    Choose Maryland: Compare Counties - Quality Of Life | Last Updated 2019-03-06T13:18:45.000Z

    Key quality of life indicators - cost index, housing.

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    Vital Signs: Home Prices – by zip code | Last Updated 2019-10-25T20:29:15.000Z

    VITAL SIGNS INDICATOR Home Prices (EC7) FULL MEASURE NAME Home Prices LAST UPDATED August 2019 DESCRIPTION Home prices refer to the cost of purchasing one’s own house or condominium. While a significant share of residents may choose to rent, home prices represent a primary driver of housing affordability in a given region, county or city. DATA SOURCE Zillow Median Sale Price (1997-2018) Bureau of Labor Statistics: Consumer Price Index All Urban Consumers Data Table (1997-2018; specific to each metro area) CONTACT INFORMATION METHODOLOGY NOTES (across all datasets for this indicator) Median housing price estimates for the region, counties, cities, and zip code come from analysis of individual home sales by Zillow. The median sale price is the price separating the higher half of the sales from the lower half. In other words, 50 percent of home sales are below or above the median value. Zillow defines all homes as single-family residential, condominium, and co-operative homes with a county record. Single-family residences are detached, which means the home is an individual structure with its own lot. Condominiums are units that you own in a multi-unit complex, such as an apartment building. Co-operative homes are slightly different from condominiums where the homeowners own shares in the corporation that owns the building, not the actual units themselves. For metropolitan area comparison values, the Bay Area metro area’s median home sale price is the population-weighted average of the nine counties’ median home prices. Home sales prices are not reliably available for Houston, because Texas is a non-disclosure state. For more information on non-disclosure states, see: Inflation-adjusted data are presented to illustrate how home prices have grown relative to overall price increases; that said, the use of the Consumer Price Index does create some challenges given the fact that housing represents a major chunk of consumer goods bundle used to calculate CPI. This reflects a methodological tradeoff between precision and accuracy and is a common concern when working with any commodity that is a major component of CPI itself.

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    Strategic Measure_Cost of City Services per Capita Adjusted for Inflation (General Fund only) | Last Updated 2023-04-10T13:40:21.000Z

    This dataset has information about the cost of providing General Fund City services per capita of the Full Purpose City population (SD23 measure GTW.A.4). It provides expense information from the annual approved budget document (General Fund Summary and Budget Stabilization Reserve Fund Summary) and population information from the City Demographer's Full Purpose Population numbers. The Consumer Price Index information for Texas is available through the following Key Economic Indicators dataset: This dataset can be used to help understand the cost of city services over time. View more details and insights related to this dataset on the story page:

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    Vital Signs: Home Prices – by city | Last Updated 2019-10-25T20:29:41.000Z

    VITAL SIGNS INDICATOR Home Prices (EC7) FULL MEASURE NAME Home Prices LAST UPDATED August 2019 DESCRIPTION Home prices refer to the cost of purchasing one’s own house or condominium. While a significant share of residents may choose to rent, home prices represent a primary driver of housing affordability in a given region, county or city. DATA SOURCE Zillow Median Sale Price (1997-2018) Bureau of Labor Statistics: Consumer Price Index All Urban Consumers Data Table (1997-2018; specific to each metro area) CONTACT INFORMATION METHODOLOGY NOTES (across all datasets for this indicator) Median housing price estimates for the region, counties, cities, and zip code come from analysis of individual home sales by Zillow. The median sale price is the price separating the higher half of the sales from the lower half. In other words, 50 percent of home sales are below or above the median value. Zillow defines all homes as single-family residential, condominium, and co-operative homes with a county record. Single-family residences are detached, which means the home is an individual structure with its own lot. Condominiums are units that you own in a multi-unit complex, such as an apartment building. Co-operative homes are slightly different from condominiums where the homeowners own shares in the corporation that owns the building, not the actual units themselves. For metropolitan area comparison values, the Bay Area metro area’s median home sale price is the population-weighted average of the nine counties’ median home prices. Home sales prices are not reliably available for Houston, because Texas is a non-disclosure state. For more information on non-disclosure states, see: Inflation-adjusted data are presented to illustrate how home prices have grown relative to overall price increases; that said, the use of the Consumer Price Index does create some challenges given the fact that housing represents a major chunk of consumer goods bundle used to calculate CPI. This reflects a methodological tradeoff between precision and accuracy and is a common concern when working with any commodity that is a major component of CPI itself.

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    Vital Signs: Home Prices – Bay Area | Last Updated 2019-10-25T20:28:58.000Z

    VITAL SIGNS INDICATOR Home Prices (EC7) FULL MEASURE NAME Home Prices LAST UPDATED August 2019 DESCRIPTION Home prices refer to the cost of purchasing one’s own house or condominium. While a significant share of residents may choose to rent, home prices represent a primary driver of housing affordability in a given region, county or city. DATA SOURCE Zillow Median Sale Price (1997-2018) Bureau of Labor Statistics: Consumer Price Index All Urban Consumers Data Table (1997-2018; specific to each metro area) CONTACT INFORMATION METHODOLOGY NOTES (across all datasets for this indicator) Median housing price estimates for the region, counties, cities, and zip code come from analysis of individual home sales by Zillow. The median sale price is the price separating the higher half of the sales from the lower half. In other words, 50 percent of home sales are below or above the median value. Zillow defines all homes as single-family residential, condominium, and co-operative homes with a county record. Single-family residences are detached, which means the home is an individual structure with its own lot. Condominiums are units that you own in a multi-unit complex, such as an apartment building. Co-operative homes are slightly different from condominiums where the homeowners own shares in the corporation that owns the building, not the actual units themselves. For metropolitan area comparison values, the Bay Area metro area’s median home sale price is the population-weighted average of the nine counties’ median home prices. Home sales prices are not reliably available for Houston, because Texas is a non-disclosure state. For more information on non-disclosure states, see: Inflation-adjusted data are presented to illustrate how home prices have grown relative to overall price increases; that said, the use of the Consumer Price Index does create some challenges given the fact that housing represents a major chunk of consumer goods bundle used to calculate CPI. This reflects a methodological tradeoff between precision and accuracy and is a common concern when working with any commodity that is a major component of CPI itself.

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    Vital Signs: Home Prices – by metro | Last Updated 2019-10-25T20:29:28.000Z

    VITAL SIGNS INDICATOR Home Prices (EC7) FULL MEASURE NAME Home Prices LAST UPDATED August 2019 DESCRIPTION Home prices refer to the cost of purchasing one’s own house or condominium. While a significant share of residents may choose to rent, home prices represent a primary driver of housing affordability in a given region, county or city. DATA SOURCE Zillow Median Sale Price (1997-2018) Bureau of Labor Statistics: Consumer Price Index All Urban Consumers Data Table (1997-2018; specific to each metro area) CONTACT INFORMATION METHODOLOGY NOTES (across all datasets for this indicator) Median housing price estimates for the region, counties, cities, and zip code come from analysis of individual home sales by Zillow. The median sale price is the price separating the higher half of the sales from the lower half. In other words, 50 percent of home sales are below or above the median value. Zillow defines all homes as single-family residential, condominium, and co-operative homes with a county record. Single-family residences are detached, which means the home is an individual structure with its own lot. Condominiums are units that you own in a multi-unit complex, such as an apartment building. Co-operative homes are slightly different from condominiums where the homeowners own shares in the corporation that owns the building, not the actual units themselves. For metropolitan area comparison values, the Bay Area metro area’s median home sale price is the population-weighted average of the nine counties’ median home prices. Home sales prices are not reliably available for Houston, because Texas is a non-disclosure state. For more information on non-disclosure states, see: Inflation-adjusted data are presented to illustrate how home prices have grown relative to overall price increases; that said, the use of the Consumer Price Index does create some challenges given the fact that housing represents a major chunk of consumer goods bundle used to calculate CPI. This reflects a methodological tradeoff between precision and accuracy and is a common concern when working with any commodity that is a major component of CPI itself.

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    Vital Signs: Home Prices – by county | Last Updated 2019-10-25T20:29:56.000Z

    VITAL SIGNS INDICATOR Home Prices (EC7) FULL MEASURE NAME Home Prices LAST UPDATED August 2019 DESCRIPTION Home prices refer to the cost of purchasing one’s own house or condominium. While a significant share of residents may choose to rent, home prices represent a primary driver of housing affordability in a given region, county or city. DATA SOURCE Zillow Median Sale Price (1997-2018) Bureau of Labor Statistics: Consumer Price Index All Urban Consumers Data Table (1997-2018; specific to each metro area) CONTACT INFORMATION METHODOLOGY NOTES (across all datasets for this indicator) Median housing price estimates for the region, counties, cities, and zip code come from analysis of individual home sales by Zillow. The median sale price is the price separating the higher half of the sales from the lower half. In other words, 50 percent of home sales are below or above the median value. Zillow defines all homes as single-family residential, condominium, and co-operative homes with a county record. Single-family residences are detached, which means the home is an individual structure with its own lot. Condominiums are units that you own in a multi-unit complex, such as an apartment building. Co-operative homes are slightly different from condominiums where the homeowners own shares in the corporation that owns the building, not the actual units themselves. For metropolitan area comparison values, the Bay Area metro area’s median home sale price is the population-weighted average of the nine counties’ median home prices. Home sales prices are not reliably available for Houston, because Texas is a non-disclosure state. For more information on non-disclosure states, see: Inflation-adjusted data are presented to illustrate how home prices have grown relative to overall price increases; that said, the use of the Consumer Price Index does create some challenges given the fact that housing represents a major chunk of consumer goods bundle used to calculate CPI. This reflects a methodological tradeoff between precision and accuracy and is a common concern when working with any commodity that is a major component of CPI itself.

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    Vital Signs: Rent Payments – Bay Area | Last Updated 2019-10-25T20:17:35.000Z

    VITAL SIGNS INDICATOR Rent Payments (EC8) FULL MEASURE NAME Median rent payment LAST UPDATED September 2016 DESCRIPTION Rent payments refer to the cost of leasing an apartment or home and serves as a measure of housing costs for individuals who do not own a home. The data reflect the median monthly rent paid by Bay Area households across apartments and homes of various sizes and various levels of quality. This differs from advertised rents for available apartments, which usually are higher. Note that rent can be presented using nominal or real (inflation-adjusted) dollar values; data are presented inflation-adjusted to reflect changes in household purchasing power over time. DATA SOURCE U.S. Census Bureau: Decennial Census 1970-2000 Note: Count 1 and Count 2; Form STF1; Form SF3a U.S. Census Bureau: American Community Survey 2005-2015 Note: Form B25058; 1-YR Bureau of Labor Statistics: Consumer Price Index 1970-2015 Note: All Urban Consumers Data Table (by metro) CONTACT INFORMATION METHODOLOGY NOTES (across all datasets for this indicator) Rent data reflects median rent payments rather than list rents (refer to measure definition above). Larger geographies (metro and county) rely upon ACS 1-year data, while smaller geographies rely upon ACS 5-year rolling average data. 1970 Census data for median rent payments has been imputed by ABAG staff as the source data only provided the mean, rather than the median, monthly rent. Metro area boundaries reflects today’s metro area definitions by county for consistency, rather than historical metro area boundaries. Inflation-adjusted data are presented to illustrate how rent payments have grown relative to overall price increases; that said, the use of the Consumer Price Index does create some challenges given the fact that housing represents a major chunk of consumer goods bundle used to calculate CPI. This reflects a methodological tradeoff between precision and accuracy and is a common concern when working with any commodity that is a major component of CPI itself.

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    State of New York Mortgage Agency (SONYMA) Loans Purchased: Beginning 2004 | Last Updated 2019-06-10T18:01:23.000Z

    Financial and Geographic Information on SONYMA Loans purchased since 2004.