The population count of Bethel Census Area, AK was 18,040 in 2018. The population count of Payette County, ID was 23,041 in 2018. The population count of Jefferson County, OR was 23,143 in 2018.


Population Change

Above charts are based on data from the U.S. Census American Community Survey | ODN Dataset | API - Notes:

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Demographics and Population Datasets Involving Payette County, ID or Jefferson County, OR or Bethel Census Area, AK

  • API

    Demographics For Unincorporated Areas In San Mateo County | Last Updated 2018-10-25T21:45:46.000Z

    Demographics, including median income, total population, race, ethnicity, and age for unincorporated areas in San Mateo County. This data comes from the 2012 American Community Survey 5 year estimates DP03 and DP05 files. They Sky Londa area is located within two Census Tracts. The data for Sky Londa is the sum of both of those Census Tracts. Users of this data should take this into account when using data for Sky Londa.

  • API

    2010 Census/ACS Basic Block Group Data | Last Updated 2021-11-12T14:15:42.000Z

    basic characteristics of people and housing for individual 2010 census block groups

  • API

    Point In Time Homeless Survey Data | Last Updated 2019-07-12T18:26:35.000Z

    The County of Sonoma conducts an annual homeless count for the entire county. The survey data is derived from a sample of about 600 homeless persons countywide per year. The resulting information is statistically reliable only for the county as a whole, not for individual locations. The exception is the City of Santa Rosa, where the sample taken within the city is large enough to be predictive of the overall homeless population in that city.