The land area of White County, IL was 495 in 2012.

Land Area

Water Area

Land area is a measurement providing the size, in square miles, of the land portions of geographic entities for which the Census Bureau tabulates and disseminates data. Area is calculated from the specific boundary recorded for each entity in the Census Bureau's geographic database. Land area is based on current information in the TIGER® data base, calculated for use with Census 2010.

Water Area figures include inland, coastal, Great Lakes, and territorial sea water. Inland water consists of any lake, reservoir, pond, or similar body of water that is recorded in the Census Bureau's geographic database. It also includes any river, creek, canal, stream, or similar feature that is recorded in that database as a two- dimensional feature (rather than as a single line). The portions of the oceans and related large embayments (such as Chesapeake Bay and Puget Sound), the Gulf of Mexico, and the Caribbean Sea that belong to the United States and its territories are classified as coastal and territorial waters; the Great Lakes are treated as a separate water entity. Rivers and bays that empty into these bodies of water are treated as inland water from the point beyond which they are narrower than 1 nautical mile across. Identification of land and inland, coastal, territorial, and Great Lakes waters is for data presentation purposes only and does not necessarily reflect their legal definitions.

Above charts are based on data from the U.S. Census American Community Survey | ODN Dataset | API - Notes:

1. ODN datasets and APIs are subject to change and may differ in format from the original source data in order to provide a user-friendly experience on this site.

2. To build your own apps using this data, see the ODN Dataset and API links.

3. If you use this derived data in an app, we ask that you provide a link somewhere in your applications to the Open Data Network with a citation that states: "Data for this application was provided by the Open Data Network" where "Open Data Network" links to Where an application has a region specific module, we ask that you add an additional line that states: "Data about REGIONX was provided by the Open Data Network." where REGIONX is an HREF with a name for a geographical region like "Seattle, WA" and the link points to this page URL, e.g.

Geographic and Area Datasets Involving White County, IL

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    CPS Schools 2013-2014 Academic Year | Last Updated 2013-11-26T20:27:57.000Z

    List of CPS schools for the 2013-2014 academic year. This dataset includes various identifiers used to identify school districts, including names; local, state, and federal IDs; and geographic descriptions on the location of each school.

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    Vital Statistics Live Birth Data by Mother's Race/Ethnicity and Resident County: Beginning 2008 | Last Updated 2024-03-07T14:47:11.000Z

    This dataset contains the number of New York State live births stratified by the mother's race/ethnicity and county of residence. The data presented here may not be the same as the Vital Statistics tables on the DOH public web due to data updates. For more information, check out: : The "About" tab contains additional details concerning this dataset.

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    Strategic Subject List - Historical | Last Updated 2020-09-25T21:57:26.000Z

    The program described below ended in 2019. This dataset is being retained for historical reference. The information displayed represents a de-identified listing of arrest data from August 1, 2012 to July 31, 2016, that was used by the Chicago Police Department’s Strategic Subject Algorithm, created by the Illinois Institute of Technology and funded through a Department of Justice Bureau of Justice Assistance grant, to create a risk assessment score known as the Strategic Subject List or “SSL.” These scores reflect an individual’s probability of being involved in a shooting incident either as a victim or an offender. Scores are calculated and placed on a scale ranging from 0 (extremely low risk) to 500 (extremely high risk). Based on this time frame’s version of the Strategic Subject Algorithm, individuals with criminal records are ranked using eight attributes, not including race or sex. These attributes are: number of times being the victim of a shooting incident, age during the latest arrest, number of times being the victim of aggravated battery or assault, number of prior arrests for violent offenses, gang affiliation, number of prior narcotic arrests, trend in recent criminal activity and number of prior unlawful use of weapon arrests. Please note that this data set includes fields that are not used to calculate SSL, for example, neither race nor sex are used in the Strategic Subject Algorithm. Portions of the arrest data are de-identified on the basis of privacy concerns. The attributes used in the Strategic Subject Algorithm were revised on an ongoing basis during the lifetime of the program.

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    COVID-19 Daily Cases, Deaths, and Hospitalizations - Historical | Last Updated 2024-05-23T20:43:52.000Z

    NOTE: This dataset has been retired and marked as historical-only. Only Chicago residents are included based on the home ZIP Code, as provided by the medical provider, or the address, as provided by the Cook County Medical Examiner. Cases with a positive molecular (PCR) or antigen test are included in this dataset. Cases are counted on the date the test specimen was collected. Deaths are those occurring among cases based on the day of death. Hospitalizations are based on the date of first hospitalization. Only one hospitalization is counted for each case. Demographic data are based on what is reported by medical providers or collected by CDPH during follow-up investigation. Because of the nature of data reporting to CDPH, hospitalizations will be blank for recent dates They will fill in on later updates when the data are received, although, as for cases and deaths, may continue to be updated as further data are received. All data are provisional and subject to change. Information is updated as additional details are received and it is, in fact, very common for recent dates to be incomplete and to be updated as time goes on. At any given time, this dataset reflects data currently known to CDPH. Numbers in this dataset may differ from other public sources due to definitions of COVID-19-related cases, deaths, and hospitalizations, sources used, how cases, deaths and hospitalizations are associated to a specific date, and similar factors. Data Source: Illinois National Electronic Disease Surveillance System, Cook County Medical Examiner’s Office

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    Medical Examiner Case Archive | Last Updated 2024-09-24T10:52:52.000Z

    Effective April 1, 2022, the Cook County Medical Examiner’s Office no longer takes jurisdiction over hospital, nursing home or hospice COVID-19 deaths unless there is another factor that falls within the Office’s jurisdiction. Data continues to be collected for COVID-19 deaths in Cook County on the Illinois Dept. of Public Health COVID-19 dashboard ( This contains information about deaths that occurred in Cook County that were under the Medical Examiner’s jurisdiction. Not all deaths that occur in Cook County are reported to the Medical Examiner or fall under the jurisdiction of the Medical Examiner. The Medical Examiner’s Office determines cause and manner of death for those cases that fall under its jurisdiction. Cause of death describes the reason the person died. This dataset includes information from deaths starting in August 2014 to the present, with information updated daily. Changes: December 16, 2022: The Cook County Commissioner District field now reflects the boundaries that went into effect December 5, 2022. September 8, 2023: The Primary Cause field is now a combination of the Primary Cause Line A, Line B, and Line C fields.

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    WAOFM - Census - Population and Housing, 2000 and 2010 | Last Updated 2021-09-01T17:20:31.000Z

    Population and housing information extracted from decennial census Public Law 94-171 redistricting summary files for Washington state for years 2000 and 2010.

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    StSen2010 | Last Updated 2024-04-10T18:51:11.000Z

    IL State Senate Districts based on Census 2010

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    Vaccine Hesitancy for COVID-19: Public Use Microdata Areas (PUMAs) | Last Updated 2021-06-17T19:56:28.000Z

    Due to the change in the survey instrument regarding intention to vaccinate, our estimates for “hesitant or unsure” or “hesitant” derived from April 14-26, 2021, are not directly comparable with prior Household Pulse Survey data and should not be used to examine trends in hesitancy. To support state and local communication and outreach efforts, ASPE developed state, county, and sub-state level predictions of hesitancy rates( using the most recently available federal survey data. We estimate hesitancy rates at the state level using the U.S. Census Bureau’s Household Pulse Survey (HPS)( data and utilize the estimated values to predict hesitancy rates in more granular areas using the Census Bureau’s 2019 American Community Survey (ACS) 1-year Public Use Microdata Sample (PUMS)( Public Use Microdata Areas (PUMA) level – PUMAs are geographic areas within each state that contain no fewer than 100,000 people. PUMAs can consist of part of a single densely populated county or can combine parts or all of multiple counties that are less densely populated. The HPS is nationally representative and includes information on U.S. residents’ intentions to receive the COVID-19 vaccine when available, as well as other sociodemographic and geographic (state, region and metropolitan statistical areas) information. The ACS is a nationally representative survey, and it provides key sociodemographic and geographic (state, region, PUMAs, county) information. We utilized data for the survey collection period May 26, 2021 – June 7, 2021, which the HPS refers to as Week 31. County and State Hesitancy Data -

  • API

    Vaccine Hesitancy for COVID-19: County and local estimates | Last Updated 2021-06-17T20:27:47.000Z

    Due to the change in the survey instrument regarding intention to vaccinate, our estimates for “hesitant or unsure” or “hesitant” derived from April 14-26, 2021, are not directly comparable with prior Household Pulse Survey data and should not be used to examine trends in hesitancy. To support state and local communication and outreach efforts, ASPE developed state, county, and sub-state level predictions of hesitancy rates ( using the most recently available federal survey data. We estimate hesitancy rates at the state level using the U.S. Census Bureau’s Household Pulse Survey (HPS) ( data and utilize the estimated values to predict hesitancy rates at the Public Use Microdata Areas (PUMA) level using the Census Bureau’s 2019 American Community Survey (ACS) 1-year Public Use Microdata Sample (PUMS)( To create county-level estimates, we used a PUMA-to-county crosswalk from the Missouri Census Data Center( PUMAs spanning multiple counties had their estimates apportioned across those counties based on overall 2010 Census populations. The HPS is nationally representative and includes information on U.S. residents’ intentions to receive the COVID-19 vaccine when available, as well as other sociodemographic and geographic (state, region and metropolitan statistical areas) information. The ACS is a nationally representative survey, and it provides key sociodemographic and geographic (state, region, PUMAs, county) information. We utilized data for the survey collection period May 26, 2021 – June 7, 2021, which the HPS refers to as Week 31.. PUMA COVID-19 Hesitancy Data -

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    2017 San Diego County Demographics - Veterans: Race and Ethnicity (2013-2017) | Last Updated 2019-07-01T21:14:57.000Z

    Veterans by largest Race and Ethnicity categories, by Census Tract and Health and Human Services Service Area. Veterans: Civilians who have served (even for a short time), but are not currently serving, on active duty in the U.S. Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, or the Coast Guard, or who served in the U.S. Merchant Marine during World War II. People who served in the National Guard or Reserves are classified as veterans only if they were ever called or ordered to active duty. Source: U.S. Census Bureau; 2013-2017 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates, Table S2101.