The land area of Bullhead City, AZ was 59 in 2018.

Land Area

Water Area

Land area is a measurement providing the size, in square miles, of the land portions of geographic entities for which the Census Bureau tabulates and disseminates data. Area is calculated from the specific boundary recorded for each entity in the Census Bureau's geographic database. Land area is based on current information in the TIGER® data base, calculated for use with Census 2010.

Water Area figures include inland, coastal, Great Lakes, and territorial sea water. Inland water consists of any lake, reservoir, pond, or similar body of water that is recorded in the Census Bureau's geographic database. It also includes any river, creek, canal, stream, or similar feature that is recorded in that database as a two- dimensional feature (rather than as a single line). The portions of the oceans and related large embayments (such as Chesapeake Bay and Puget Sound), the Gulf of Mexico, and the Caribbean Sea that belong to the United States and its territories are classified as coastal and territorial waters; the Great Lakes are treated as a separate water entity. Rivers and bays that empty into these bodies of water are treated as inland water from the point beyond which they are narrower than 1 nautical mile across. Identification of land and inland, coastal, territorial, and Great Lakes waters is for data presentation purposes only and does not necessarily reflect their legal definitions.

Above charts are based on data from the U.S. Census American Community Survey | ODN Dataset | API - Notes:

1. ODN datasets and APIs are subject to change and may differ in format from the original source data in order to provide a user-friendly experience on this site.

2. To build your own apps using this data, see the ODN Dataset and API links.

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Geographic and Area Datasets Involving Bullhead City, AZ

  • API

    City of Mesa Population | Last Updated 2024-07-01T14:40:25.000Z

    City of Mesa population provided by Census Bureau Population Estimates Program (PEP) updated annually as of July 1. See <b><a href="">Population and Housing Unit Estimates.</b></a> Census PEP estimates are used for state revenue sharing per AZ statute (42-5033.01). <b>This dataset is the authoritative source for all city metrics such as Crimes or Traffic Collisions per 1,000 residents.</b> 2024-2040 population projections provided by Maricopa County Association of Governments (MAG) and adopted June 2023. MAG's planning area and incorporated jurisdiction projections are published at <b><a href="">2023 MAG Socioeconomic Projections</b></a> Other sources of population estimates include US Census American Community Survey 1-year and 5-year Estimates at and, Arizona Office of Economic Opportunity (OEO) at (see link for OEO methodology which differs slightly from official US Census Estimates) and City of Mesa Office of Economic Development at (ESRI Community Analyst).

  • API

    Business Services - Purchases | Last Updated 2024-09-23T17:49:39.000Z

    This dataset has document information for purchases made in the City of Mesa financial system (Advantage-FIN). Warehouse adjustments and Engineering procurement types are excluded. (Code 800 and 810 as those are Warehouse inventory adjustments; Filter out DO’s made from Master Agreements with Procurement type 11, 12, 13 or 16, Engineering Procurement Types.

  • API

    Water Levels and Flows | Last Updated 2024-09-23T13:28:25.000Z

    A combining of data from 23 Water Level and Flow monitoring stations from water areas in Alberta that directly influence the Water Level and Flow of the North Saskatchewan River. A combination of data from 3 Water Level and Flow monitoring stations from water areas in Albert that directly influence the Water Level and Flow of the Sturgeon River. This data is sourced from the Government of Alberta website and as such the Government of Alberta's disclaimer covers this data. Government of Alberta Disclaimer: Data provided through this web app is provisional and preliminary in nature. Data is automatically generated by remote equipment that may not be under control of the Government of Alberta. This data has not been reviewed or edited for accuracy and may be subject to significant change when reviewed or corrected. Please exercise caution and carefully consider the provisional nature of the information provided. The Government of Alberta assumes no responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of this data and any use of it is therefore, entirely at your own risk. Additional Government of Alberta "Provisional Data Disclaimer": Alberta Environment routinely collects real-time hydrometeorological data from meteorological and stream gauges using telephone and communications satellites to support its water resources management activities. These gauges are owned and operated by different organizations and partners outside the Alberta Government. Near Real-Time data provided at this site are provisional and preliminary in nature. They are automatically generated by remote equipment that may not be under Alberta Government control and have not been reviewed or edited for accuracy. These data may be subject to significant change when manually reviewed and corrected. The accuracy of the data can be affected by many factors including: - malfunction of recording equipment - algal and aquatic growth in the stream which affects the stage-discharge relationship - backwater from ice or debris such as log jams - changes to the stream bed geometry Please exercise caution and carefully consider the provisional nature of the information provided. The Government of Alberta assumes no responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of these data and any use of them is entirely at your own risk. “

  • API

    WAOFM - Census - Population and Housing, 2000 and 2010 | Last Updated 2021-09-01T17:20:31.000Z

    Population and housing information extracted from decennial census Public Law 94-171 redistricting summary files for Washington state for years 2000 and 2010.

  • API

    T10 Ped Volumes | Last Updated 2020-02-19T22:46:24.000Z

    The City conducts transportation counts, which counts the numbers of vehicles, pedestrians, and bicycles moving through an intersection. Counts are typically conducted every 2 years during the weekday and weekend peak hours. The peak hours represents the time period where traffic counts are the highest due to worker commute. Weekday counts are conducted at all City signalized intersections during the AM Peak Hours (7:00 A -9:00 AM) and PM peak hours (5:30 PM – 7:30 PM) either on a Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday in the Fall (when school is in session). Weekend counts are conducted during the midday peak hour (1:00-5:00 PM) either on Saturday or Sunday in the Summer at signalized intersections in the Downtown and Main Street areas, as these areas tend to experience greater traffic as a result of the tourist/visitor population on the weekends. The table below provides the number of intersections that were counted in 2007 – 2013.

  • API

    Water Quality Sampling Data | Last Updated 2024-09-23T08:29:35.000Z

    Data collected to assess water quality conditions in the natural creeks, aquifers and lakes in the Austin area. This is raw data, provided directly from our Water Resources Monitoring database (WRM) and should be considered provisional. Data may or may not have been reviewed by project staff. A map of site locations can be found by searching for LOCATION.WRM_SAMPLE_SITES; you may then use those WRM_SITE_IDs to filter in this dataset using the field SAMPLE_SITE_NO.

  • API

    Find A Missouri Utility | Last Updated 2019-02-15T19:50:21.000Z

  • API

    T10 Bike Volumes | Last Updated 2020-02-19T23:07:22.000Z

    The City conducts transportation counts, which counts the numbers of vehicles, pedestrians, and bicycles moving through an intersection. Counts are typically conducted every 2 years during the weekday and weekend peak hours. The peak hours represents the time period where traffic counts are the highest due to worker commute. Weekday counts are conducted at all City signalized intersections during the AM Peak Hours (7:00 A -9:00 AM) and PM peak hours (5:30 PM – 7:30 PM) either on a Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday in the Fall (when school is in session). Weekend counts are conducted during the midday peak hour (1:00-5:00 PM) either on Saturday or Sunday in the Summer at signalized intersections in the Downtown and Main Street areas, as these areas tend to experience greater traffic as a result of the tourist/visitor population on the weekends. The table below provides the number of intersections that were counted in 2007 – 2013.

  • API

    COVID-19 Cases by Zip Code | Last Updated 2024-09-18T21:00:31.000Z

    Information reported weekly by the Arizona Department of Health of confirmed COVID-19 cases by zip code and displayed here to better visualize the data. Direct REST Endpoint URL in Source Link field below. Statewide data available at

  • API

    Existing Buildings Energy & Water Efficiency (EBEWE) Program | Last Updated 2024-09-22T08:01:04.000Z

    The City's Existing Buildings Energy & Water Efficiency (EBEWE) Program was established in 2016 (LA Municipal Code Section 91.9701, Ordinance No. 184674) and is administered by the Department of Building and Safety(LADBS). It requires that owners of buildings subject to the Ordinance, to annually register their building (includes pay fees) and file a benchmark report of energy and water usage for their buildings for the Compliance Year. The EBEWE dataset includes the Compliance Year, Building Address, Compliance Status, various energy and water use benchmark data, and the last 3 digits of the Assessor Identification Number (AIN). For a complete explanation of the Program, including reporting requirements, please visit LADBS' EBEWE site at