The water area of Garden City, ID was 0 in 2018. The water area of Baker City, OR was 0 in 2018.

Land Area

Water Area

Land area is a measurement providing the size, in square miles, of the land portions of geographic entities for which the Census Bureau tabulates and disseminates data. Area is calculated from the specific boundary recorded for each entity in the Census Bureau's geographic database. Land area is based on current information in the TIGER® data base, calculated for use with Census 2010.

Water Area figures include inland, coastal, Great Lakes, and territorial sea water. Inland water consists of any lake, reservoir, pond, or similar body of water that is recorded in the Census Bureau's geographic database. It also includes any river, creek, canal, stream, or similar feature that is recorded in that database as a two- dimensional feature (rather than as a single line). The portions of the oceans and related large embayments (such as Chesapeake Bay and Puget Sound), the Gulf of Mexico, and the Caribbean Sea that belong to the United States and its territories are classified as coastal and territorial waters; the Great Lakes are treated as a separate water entity. Rivers and bays that empty into these bodies of water are treated as inland water from the point beyond which they are narrower than 1 nautical mile across. Identification of land and inland, coastal, territorial, and Great Lakes waters is for data presentation purposes only and does not necessarily reflect their legal definitions.

Above charts are based on data from the U.S. Census American Community Survey | ODN Dataset | API - Notes:

1. ODN datasets and APIs are subject to change and may differ in format from the original source data in order to provide a user-friendly experience on this site.

2. To build your own apps using this data, see the ODN Dataset and API links.

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Geographic and Area Datasets Involving Garden City, ID or Baker City, OR

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    Austin's Small Scale Green Infrastructure | Last Updated 2023-04-10T13:41:07.000Z

    A rain garden is a low area that absorbs and filters rain water runoff that comes from roofs, sidewalks, and driveways. Rain runs off the hard surfaces, collects in the shallow depression, and slowly soaks into the soil. They are usually planted with colorful native plants and grasses. Every little bit helps to conserve water. Currently we are tracking rain garden bioswale, cistern, and green roofs.

  • API

    Property Information | Last Updated 2024-09-02T11:01:27.000Z

    This dataset is a combination of attribute information from the master address table and the lot or property records table. The address points are created within a building footprint and in the case where there is no building, then the point is the center of the lot. The address information comes from a variety of sources including final subdivision plats, building permits, E-911 master street address guide (MSAG) database, Polk City Directory, and field data collection.

  • API

    Utility & Franchise Fees 2014-2015 | Last Updated 2016-08-08T22:59:28.000Z

    Franchise agreements are a legal arrangement between a city and another entity for use of the city’s public right-of-way. For using the right-of-way (abbreviated ROW) a company, organization, or other government body must pay a franchise fee or privilege tax. These agreements ensure that cities are compensated for special use of public services. This also prevents city residents from subsidizing extraordinary use of public space. These agreements often take the form of contracts or city ordinances which outline the rate charged, term and conditions, and any extra services provided by either party. The League asks cities their rates and rate calculations for telecommunication and cable franchises in the recent past. Questions are also posed for other franchises, such as electricity, water, garbage, and franchises to other governments. This information is crucial to understanding revenue sources in Oregon cities and to forecasting revenue trends into the future.

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    Garden Walk, Marin-Friendly, Residential Water Conservation | Last Updated 2023-02-24T02:09:20.000Z

    Marin Friendly Garden Walks performed by Master Gardeners on Marin County residential properties that are connected to the Marin Municipal Water District (MMWD). The specialized and free walks by the knowledgeable and trained Master Gardeners focus on the many ways a homeowner can save water through improved garden landscaping choices, and improved water irrigation and conservation practices. A written report is provided to each homeowner. The program is administered by the University of California Cooperative Extension (UCCE). It is funded by various entities including Marin County and MMWD. Data is updated quarterly and begins in 2008.

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    311 Citizen Requests for Service | Last Updated 2024-09-20T11:23:45.000Z

    This dataset includes all requests for service received from the City-Parish 311 Call Center, including requests for service submitted online and through the Red Stick 311 mobile application, dating back to January 1, 2016. Submitter names, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses are redacted for privacy purposes. Data is updated daily from the Public Works Business Office and 311 Call Center. Phone numbers are redacted to protect the contact information and privacy of citizens by replacing raw digits with XXX-XXX-XXXX. For any questions about this process, please contact

  • API

    Order to Repair/Vacate Orders | Last Updated 2024-09-20T20:41:27.000Z

    Order to Repair/Vacate Orders

  • API

    City Infrastructure Needs | Last Updated 2016-08-08T23:16:13.000Z

    Information provided by respondent cities through the 2016 LOC Infrastructure Survey. Data is and aggregation of capital projects needs for the next 20 years.

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    Water Levels and Flows | Last Updated 2024-09-21T01:28:23.000Z

    A combining of data from 23 Water Level and Flow monitoring stations from water areas in Alberta that directly influence the Water Level and Flow of the North Saskatchewan River. A combination of data from 3 Water Level and Flow monitoring stations from water areas in Albert that directly influence the Water Level and Flow of the Sturgeon River. This data is sourced from the Government of Alberta website and as such the Government of Alberta's disclaimer covers this data. Government of Alberta Disclaimer: Data provided through this web app is provisional and preliminary in nature. Data is automatically generated by remote equipment that may not be under control of the Government of Alberta. This data has not been reviewed or edited for accuracy and may be subject to significant change when reviewed or corrected. Please exercise caution and carefully consider the provisional nature of the information provided. The Government of Alberta assumes no responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of this data and any use of it is therefore, entirely at your own risk. Additional Government of Alberta "Provisional Data Disclaimer": Alberta Environment routinely collects real-time hydrometeorological data from meteorological and stream gauges using telephone and communications satellites to support its water resources management activities. These gauges are owned and operated by different organizations and partners outside the Alberta Government. Near Real-Time data provided at this site are provisional and preliminary in nature. They are automatically generated by remote equipment that may not be under Alberta Government control and have not been reviewed or edited for accuracy. These data may be subject to significant change when manually reviewed and corrected. The accuracy of the data can be affected by many factors including: - malfunction of recording equipment - algal and aquatic growth in the stream which affects the stage-discharge relationship - backwater from ice or debris such as log jams - changes to the stream bed geometry Please exercise caution and carefully consider the provisional nature of the information provided. The Government of Alberta assumes no responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of these data and any use of them is entirely at your own risk. “

  • API

    Parks - Locations (deprecated November 2016) | Last Updated 2019-05-17T16:07:40.000Z

    OUTDATED. See the current data at --Parks managed by the Chicago Park District. Dataset includes park facilities and features information. For Shapefiles, go to For KML files, go to

  • API

    Existing Buildings Energy & Water Efficiency (EBEWE) Program | Last Updated 2024-09-15T08:00:59.000Z

    The City's Existing Buildings Energy & Water Efficiency (EBEWE) Program was established in 2016 (LA Municipal Code Section 91.9701, Ordinance No. 184674) and is administered by the Department of Building and Safety(LADBS). It requires that owners of buildings subject to the Ordinance, to annually register their building (includes pay fees) and file a benchmark report of energy and water usage for their buildings for the Compliance Year. The EBEWE dataset includes the Compliance Year, Building Address, Compliance Status, various energy and water use benchmark data, and the last 3 digits of the Assessor Identification Number (AIN). For a complete explanation of the Program, including reporting requirements, please visit LADBS' EBEWE site at