The water area of Crest Hill, IL was 0 in 2014.

Land Area

Water Area

Land area is a measurement providing the size, in square miles, of the land portions of geographic entities for which the Census Bureau tabulates and disseminates data. Area is calculated from the specific boundary recorded for each entity in the Census Bureau's geographic database. Land area is based on current information in the TIGER® data base, calculated for use with Census 2010.

Water Area figures include inland, coastal, Great Lakes, and territorial sea water. Inland water consists of any lake, reservoir, pond, or similar body of water that is recorded in the Census Bureau's geographic database. It also includes any river, creek, canal, stream, or similar feature that is recorded in that database as a two- dimensional feature (rather than as a single line). The portions of the oceans and related large embayments (such as Chesapeake Bay and Puget Sound), the Gulf of Mexico, and the Caribbean Sea that belong to the United States and its territories are classified as coastal and territorial waters; the Great Lakes are treated as a separate water entity. Rivers and bays that empty into these bodies of water are treated as inland water from the point beyond which they are narrower than 1 nautical mile across. Identification of land and inland, coastal, territorial, and Great Lakes waters is for data presentation purposes only and does not necessarily reflect their legal definitions.

Above charts are based on data from the U.S. Census American Community Survey | ODN Dataset | API - Notes:

1. ODN datasets and APIs are subject to change and may differ in format from the original source data in order to provide a user-friendly experience on this site.

2. To build your own apps using this data, see the ODN Dataset and API links.

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Geographic and Area Datasets Involving Crest Hill, IL

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    DWR Dam Safety Jurisdictional Dam | Last Updated 2024-09-21T06:04:27.000Z

    A Jurisdictional Dam is a dam creating a reservoir with a capacity of more than 100 acre-feet, or creates a reservoir with a surface area in excess of 20 acres at the high-water line, or exceeds 10 feet in height measured vertically from the elevation of the lowest point of the natural surface of the ground where that point occurs along the longitudinal centerline of the dam up to the crest of the emergency spillway of the dam. For reservoirs created by excavation, or where the invert of the outlet conduit is placed below the surface of the natural ground at its lowest point beneath the dam, the jurisdictional height shall be measured from the invert of the outlet at the longitudinal centerline of the embankment or from the bottom of the excavation at the longitudinal centerline of the dam, whichever is greatest. Jurisdictional height is defined in Rule 4.2.19. The State Engineer shall have final authority over determination of the jurisdictional height of the dam.

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    DWR Livestock Water Tank and Erosion Control Dams | Last Updated 2024-09-15T06:26:11.000Z

    Livestock water tanks are covered under the "Livestock Water Tank Act of Colorado" sections 35-49-101 to 35-49-116, C.R.S. These structures include all reservoirs built after April 17, 1941, on watercourses which the state engineer has determined to be "normally dry" and having a capacity of not more than ten acre-feet and a vertical height not exceeding fifteen feet from the bottom of the channel to the bottom of the spillway. Again, as with erosion control dams, the height is measured from the lowest point of the upstream toe to the crest of the spillway. No livestock water tanks can be used for irrigation purposes. Erosion control dams are governed under Colorado statute (see section 37-87-122, C.R.S. (1990). These types of structures may be constructed on water courses which have been determined by the state engineer to be normally dry (which for our purposes is dry more than 80% of the time). Structures of this type cannot exceed fifteen feet from the bottom of the channel to the bottom of the spillway and cannot exceed ten acre-feet at the emergency spillway level. The height of the dam is measured vertically from the lowest point of the upstream toe to the crest of the dam in contrast to those measured vertically from the centerline pursuant to section 37-87-105, C.R.S. (1990). Note: The structure can be larger than specified under section 37-87-122, however, it then will be evaluated and must be constructed pursuant to section 37-87-105.

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    CPS Schools 2013-2014 Academic Year | Last Updated 2013-11-26T20:27:57.000Z

    List of CPS schools for the 2013-2014 academic year. This dataset includes various identifiers used to identify school districts, including names; local, state, and federal IDs; and geographic descriptions on the location of each school.

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    DWR Dam Safety Non-Jurisdictional Dam | Last Updated 2024-09-21T06:02:36.000Z

    A Non-Jurisdictional Dam is a dam creating a reservoir with a capacity of 100 acre-feet or less and a surface area of 20 acres or less and with a height measured as defined in Rules and 4.2.19 of 10 feet or less. Non-jurisdictional size dams are regulated and subject to the authority of the State Engineer consistent with sections 37- 87-102 and 37-87-105 C.R.S.

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    Beach Lab Data | Last Updated 2024-09-04T19:00:17.000Z

    The Chicago Park District collects and analyzes water samples from beaches along Chicago’s Lake Michigan lakefront. The Chicago Park District partners with the University of Illinois at Chicago Department of Public Health Laboratory to analyze water samples using a new DNA testing method called Rapid Testing Method (qPCR analysis) which tests for Enterococci in order to monitor swimming safety. The rapid testing method (qPCR analysis) is a new method that measures levels of pathogenic DNA in beach water. Unlike the culture based test that requires up to 24 hours of processing, the new rapid testing method requires a 4-5 hours for results. The Chicago Park District can use results of the rapid test to notify the public when levels exceed UPEPA recommended levels, which is 1000* CCE. When DNA bacteria levels exceed 1000 CCE, a yellow swim advisory flag is implemented. For more information please refer to the USEPA Recreational Water Quality Criteria ( Historically, the Chicago Park District used the culture based analysis method and statistical prediction models to monitor beach water quality. The culture based method tests for Escherichia coli (E. coli) bacteria which is an indicator species for the presence of disease-causing bacteria, viruses, and protozoans that may pose health risks to the public. This method requires 18-24 hours of processing to receive results. The Chicago Park District would use results of the culture based method to notify the public when levels exceed UPEPA recommended levels, which is 235* CFU. When bacteria levels exceed 235 CFU, a yellow swim advisory flag was implemented. This standard is still used at most beaches throughout the Great Lakes region. For more information please refer to the USEPA Recreational Water Quality Criteria. The statistical prediction model forecasted real-time Escherichia coli (E. coli) bacteria levels present in the water. The Chicago Park District (CPD) in partnership with the US Geological Survey, developed statistical prediction models by using weather data pulled from CPD buoys ( and weather stations ( The Chicago Park District would use results of the predictive model to notify the public when bacteria levels would exceed 235 CFU. When bacteria levels exceed 235 CFU, a yellow swim advisory flag was implemented. * The unit of measurement for Escherichia coli is Colony Forming Units (CFU) per 100 milliliters of water. (Culture Based Method / Statistical Prediction Model) *The unit of measuring DNA is Enterococci Calibrator Cell Equivalents (CCE) per 100 milliliters of water. (Rapid Testing Analysis)

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    Parks - Locations (deprecated November 2016) | Last Updated 2019-05-17T16:07:40.000Z

    OUTDATED. See the current data at --Parks managed by the Chicago Park District. Dataset includes park facilities and features information. For Shapefiles, go to For KML files, go to

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    2020 Census Tracts to 2020 NTAs and CDTAs Equivalency | Last Updated 2024-07-05T13:45:38.000Z

    This file shows the relationship between New York City’s 2020 census tracts, 2020 Neighborhood Tabulation Areas (NTAs), and Community District Tabulation Areas (CDTAs). 2020 census tracts nest within 2020 NTAs, and 2020 NTAs nest within CDTAs, so each census tract is listed only once. Note that CDTAs sometimes cross borough boundaries, and therefore will not add up to borough totals for the Bronx, Queens, and Manhattan. As they are nested within CDTAs, NTAs will likewise not add up to borough totals. Also note that census tracts in New York City’s water areas are excluded from this file.

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    Assessor [Archived 05-31-2023] - Parcel Universe | Last Updated 2023-05-31T21:51:45.000Z

    A complete, historic universe of Cook County parcels with attached geographic, governmental, and spatial data. When working with Parcel Index Numbers (PINs) make sure to zero-pad them to 14 digits. Some datasets may lose leading zeros for PINs when downloaded. Additional notes:<ul><li>Data is attached via spatial join (st_contains) to each parcel's centroid.</li> <li>Centroids are based on <a href="">Cook County parcel shapefiles</a>.</li> <li>Older properties may be missing coordinates and thus also missing attached spatial data (usually they are missing a parcel boundary in the shapefile).</li> <li>Newer properties may be missing a mailing or property address, as they need to be assigned one by the postal service.</li> <li>Attached spatial data does NOT go all the way back to 1999. It is only available for more recent years, primarily those after 2012.</li> <li>The universe contains data for the current tax year, which may not be complete or final. PINs can still be added and removed to the universe up until the Board of Review closes appeals.</li> <li>Data will be updated monthly.</li> <li>Rowcount and characteristics for a given year are final once the Assessor <a href="">has certified the assessment roll</a> for all townships.</li> <li>Depending on the time of year, some third-party and internal data will be missing for the most recent year. Assessments mailed this year represent values from last year, so this isn't an issue. By the time the Data Department models values for this year, those data will have populated.</li> <li>Current property class codes, their levels of assessment, and descriptions can be found <a href="">on the Assessor's website</a>. Note that class codes details can change across time.</li> <li>Due to decrepencies between the systems used by the Assessor and Clerk's offices, <i>tax_district_code</i> is not currently up-to-date in this table.</li></ul> For more information on the sourcing of attached data and the preparation of this dataset, see the <a href="">Assessor's data architecture repo</a> on GitLab. <a href="">Read about the Assessor's 2022 Open Data Refresh.</a>

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    Environmental Sensitivity Project (2015) | Last Updated 2022-12-13T23:03:09.000Z

    Historically, the City of Edmonton has managed ‘natural areas’ within the North Saskatchewan River Valley and the Tablelands separately, guided by inventories such as the Ribbon of Green and Geowest (1993). Over the past decade, City policy has shifted to manage natural areas with consideration of their role within an ecological network. Today, a goal of the City is to protect, preserve and enhance a functioning ecological network throughout the city limits. This network should include lands in both the river valley and the Tablelands. To further this goal, a model was developed in 2015 for determining environmental sensitivity scores across the entirety of the city. This model guided the collection of several digital data layers with coverage across the entire study area (including several ecological assets, threats to assets, and development and cultural constraints). Data layers were then used to develop spatial outputs that summarized the distribution of these assets, threats and constraints. These base layers have been compiled into this dataset to help inform planning, development and conservation throughout Edmonton. Environmental sensitivity analysis incorporated recent mapping of the ecological network of native and non-native vegetation, streams, wetlands and other waterbodies as much as possible, with practical limitations. The City’s urban Primary Land and Vegetation Inventory (uPLVI) and remote sensing data used for this assessment were completed in 2015 and 2013 respectively, which is relatively recent, but not current. Similarly, infrastructure data (roads, subdivision development and stormwater facilities) provided varied in month of acquisition from 2015. Some discrepancy between mapped and actual features may result, due to loss and changes from ongoing development activities.

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    1% Coastal Flood Zone with 3.2 ft Sea Level Rise - Molokai | Last Updated 2023-03-24T01:03:14.000Z

    Tropical storms, hurricanes, and tsunamis create waves that flood low-lying coastal areas. The National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) produces flood insurance rate maps (FIRMs) that depict flood risk zones referred to as Special Flood Hazard Areas (SFHA) based modeling 1%-annual-chance flood event also referred to as a 100-year flood. The purpose of the FIRM is twofold: (1) to provide the basis for application of regulatory standards and (2) to provide the basis for insurance rating. SFHAs identify areas at risk from infrequent but severe storm-induced wave events and riverine flood events that are based upon historical record. By law (44 Code of Federal Regulations [CFR] 60.3), FEMA can only map flood risk that will be utilized for land use regulation or insurance rating based on historical data, therefore, future conditions with sea level rise and other impacts of climate change are not considered in FIRMs. It is important to note that FEMA can produce Flood Insurance Rate Maps that include future condition floodplains, but these would be considered “awareness” zones and not to be used for regulatory of insurance rating purposes. The State of Hawai‘i 2018 Hazard Mitigation Plan incorporated the results of modeling and an assessment of vulnerability to coastal flooding from storm-induced wave events with sea level rise (Tetra Tech Inc., 2018). The 1% annual-chance-coastal flood zone with sea level rise (1%CFZ) was modeled to estimate coastal flood extents and wave heights for wave-generating events with sea level rise. Modeling was conducted by Sobis Inc. under State of Hawaiʻi Department of Land and Natural Resources Contract No: 64064. The 1%CFZ with 3.2 feet of sea level rise was utilized to assess vulnerability to coastal event-based flooding in mid to - late century. The 1%CFZ with sea level rise would greatly expand the impacts from a 100-year flood event meaning that more coastal land area will be exposed to damaging waves. For example, over 120 critical infrastructure facilities in the City and County of Honolulu, including water, waste, and wastewater systems and communication and energy facilities would be impacted in the 1%CFZ with 3.2 feet of sea level rise (Tetra Tech Inc., 2018). This is double the number of facilities in the SFHA which includes the impacts of riverine flooding. A simplified version of the Wave Height Analysis for Flood Insurance Studies (WHAFIS) extension (FEMA, 2019b) included in Hazus-MH, was used to create the 1% annual chance coastal floodplain. Hazus is a nationally applicable standardized methodology that contains models for estimating potential losses from earthquakes, floods, tsunamis, and hurricanes (FEMA, 2019a). The current 1%-annual-chance stillwater elevations were collected using the most current flood insurance studies (FIS) for each island conducted by FEMA (FEMA, 2004, 2010, 2014, 2015). The FIS calculates the 1%-annual-chance stillwater elevation, wave setup, and wave run-up (called maximum wave crest) at regularly-spaced transects around the islands based on historical data. Modeling for the 1%CFZ used the NOAA 3-meter digital elevation model (DEM) which incorporates LiDAR data sets collected between 2003 and 2007 from NOAA, FEMA, the State of Hawaiʻi Emergency Management Agency, and the USACE (NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information, 2017). Before Hazus was run for future conditions, it was run for the current conditions and compared to the FEMA regulatory floodplain to determine model accuracy. This also helped determine the stillwater elevation for the large gaps between some transects in the FIS. Hazus was run at 0.5-foot stillwater level intervals and the results were compared to the existing Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM). The interval of 0.5-feet was chosen as a small enough step to result in a near approximation of the FIRM while not being too impractically narrow to require the testing of dozens of input elevations. The elevation which matched up