The land area of Rock Falls, IL was 4 in 2012.

Land Area

Water Area

Land area is a measurement providing the size, in square miles, of the land portions of geographic entities for which the Census Bureau tabulates and disseminates data. Area is calculated from the specific boundary recorded for each entity in the Census Bureau's geographic database. Land area is based on current information in the TIGER® data base, calculated for use with Census 2010.

Water Area figures include inland, coastal, Great Lakes, and territorial sea water. Inland water consists of any lake, reservoir, pond, or similar body of water that is recorded in the Census Bureau's geographic database. It also includes any river, creek, canal, stream, or similar feature that is recorded in that database as a two- dimensional feature (rather than as a single line). The portions of the oceans and related large embayments (such as Chesapeake Bay and Puget Sound), the Gulf of Mexico, and the Caribbean Sea that belong to the United States and its territories are classified as coastal and territorial waters; the Great Lakes are treated as a separate water entity. Rivers and bays that empty into these bodies of water are treated as inland water from the point beyond which they are narrower than 1 nautical mile across. Identification of land and inland, coastal, territorial, and Great Lakes waters is for data presentation purposes only and does not necessarily reflect their legal definitions.

Above charts are based on data from the U.S. Census American Community Survey | ODN Dataset | API - Notes:

1. ODN datasets and APIs are subject to change and may differ in format from the original source data in order to provide a user-friendly experience on this site.

2. To build your own apps using this data, see the ODN Dataset and API links.

3. If you use this derived data in an app, we ask that you provide a link somewhere in your applications to the Open Data Network with a citation that states: "Data for this application was provided by the Open Data Network" where "Open Data Network" links to Where an application has a region specific module, we ask that you add an additional line that states: "Data about REGIONX was provided by the Open Data Network." where REGIONX is an HREF with a name for a geographical region like "Seattle, WA" and the link points to this page URL, e.g.

Geographic and Area Datasets Involving Rock Falls, IL

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    Crimes - 2001 to Present | Last Updated 2024-09-29T11:19:06.000Z

    This dataset reflects reported incidents of crime (with the exception of murders where data exists for each victim) that occurred in the City of Chicago from 2001 to present, minus the most recent seven days. Data is extracted from the Chicago Police Department's CLEAR (Citizen Law Enforcement Analysis and Reporting) system. In order to protect the privacy of crime victims, addresses are shown at the block level only and specific locations are not identified. Should you have questions about this dataset, you may contact the Data Fulfillment and Analysis Division of the Chicago Police Department at Disclaimer: These crimes may be based upon preliminary information supplied to the Police Department by the reporting parties that have not been verified. The preliminary crime classifications may be changed at a later date based upon additional investigation and there is always the possibility of mechanical or human error. Therefore, the Chicago Police Department does not guarantee (either expressed or implied) the accuracy, completeness, timeliness, or correct sequencing of the information and the information should not be used for comparison purposes over time. The Chicago Police Department will not be responsible for any error or omission, or for the use of, or the results obtained from the use of this information. All data visualizations on maps should be considered approximate and attempts to derive specific addresses are strictly prohibited. The Chicago Police Department is not responsible for the content of any off-site pages that are referenced by or that reference this web page other than an official City of Chicago or Chicago Police Department web page. The user specifically acknowledges that the Chicago Police Department is not responsible for any defamatory, offensive, misleading, or illegal conduct of other users, links, or third parties and that the risk of injury from the foregoing rests entirely with the user. The unauthorized use of the words "Chicago Police Department," "Chicago Police," or any colorable imitation of these words or the unauthorized use of the Chicago Police Department logo is unlawful. This web page does not, in any way, authorize such use. Data are updated daily. To access a list of Chicago Police Department - Illinois Uniform Crime Reporting (IUCR) codes, go to

  • API

    Crimes - One year prior to present | Last Updated 2024-09-29T10:02:10.000Z

    This dataset reflects reported incidents of crime (with the exception of murders where data exists for each victim) that have occurred in the City of Chicago over the past year, minus the most recent seven days of data. Data is extracted from the Chicago Police Department's CLEAR (Citizen Law Enforcement Analysis and Reporting) system. In order to protect the privacy of crime victims, addresses are shown at the block level only and specific locations are not identified. Should you have questions about this dataset, you may contact the Research & Development Division of the Chicago Police Department at 312.745.6071 or Disclaimer: These crimes may be based upon preliminary information supplied to the Police Department by the reporting parties that have not been verified. The preliminary crime classifications may be changed at a later date based upon additional investigation and there is always the possibility of mechanical or human error. Therefore, the Chicago Police Department does not guarantee (either expressed or implied) the accuracy, completeness, timeliness, or correct sequencing of the information and the information should not be used for comparison purposes over time. The Chicago Police Department will not be responsible for any error or omission, or for the use of, or the results obtained from the use of this information. All data visualizations on maps should be considered approximate and attempts to derive specific addresses are strictly prohibited. The Chicago Police Department is not responsible for the content of any off-site pages that are referenced by or that reference this web page other than an official City of Chicago or Chicago Police Department web page. The user specifically acknowledges that the Chicago Police Department is not responsible for any defamatory, offensive, misleading, or illegal conduct of other users, links, or third parties and that the risk of injury from the foregoing rests entirely with the user. The unauthorized use of the words "Chicago Police Department," "Chicago Police," or any colorable imitation of these words or the unauthorized use of the Chicago Police Department logo is unlawful. This web page does not, in any way, authorize such use. Data is updated daily Tuesday through Sunday. The dataset contains more than 65,000 records/rows of data and cannot be viewed in full in Microsoft Excel. Therefore, when downloading the file, select CSV from the Export menu. Open the file in an ASCII text editor, such as Wordpad, to view and search. To access a list of Chicago Police Department - Illinois Uniform Crime Reporting (IUCR) codes, go to

  • API

    CPS Schools 2013-2014 Academic Year | Last Updated 2013-11-26T20:27:57.000Z

    List of CPS schools for the 2013-2014 academic year. This dataset includes various identifiers used to identify school districts, including names; local, state, and federal IDs; and geographic descriptions on the location of each school.

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    Medical Examiner Case Archive | Last Updated 2024-09-29T20:53:26.000Z

    Effective April 1, 2022, the Cook County Medical Examiner’s Office no longer takes jurisdiction over hospital, nursing home or hospice COVID-19 deaths unless there is another factor that falls within the Office’s jurisdiction. Data continues to be collected for COVID-19 deaths in Cook County on the Illinois Dept. of Public Health COVID-19 dashboard ( This contains information about deaths that occurred in Cook County that were under the Medical Examiner’s jurisdiction. Not all deaths that occur in Cook County are reported to the Medical Examiner or fall under the jurisdiction of the Medical Examiner. The Medical Examiner’s Office determines cause and manner of death for those cases that fall under its jurisdiction. Cause of death describes the reason the person died. This dataset includes information from deaths starting in August 2014 to the present, with information updated daily. Changes: December 16, 2022: The Cook County Commissioner District field now reflects the boundaries that went into effect December 5, 2022. September 8, 2023: The Primary Cause field is now a combination of the Primary Cause Line A, Line B, and Line C fields.

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    Rock fall Hazard_data | Last Updated 2024-04-10T19:41:00.000Z

    This dataset represents rock-fall hazards in the St George - Hurricane metropolitan area, SR-9 Geologic-Hazard Study Area, and Zion National Park geologic-hazard study area, Washington and Kane Counties, Utah at a scale of 1:24,000.

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    ccgisdata - Parcel 2021 | Last Updated 2023-01-13T15:15:59.000Z

    The Parcel 2021 feature contains tax parcel polygons for the 2021 property tax assessment at the County. This feature reflects tax parcel polygons as they existed from 1/1/2021 through 12/31/2021. An ESRI Service is available at:

  • API

    ccgisdata - Parcel 2020 | Last Updated 2022-03-29T18:22:52.000Z

    The Parcel 2020 feature contains tax parcel polygons for the 2020 property tax assessment at the County. This feature reflects tax parcel polygons as they existed from 1/1/2020 through 12/31/2020. An ESRI Service is available at:

  • API

    Violence Reduction - Victims of Homicides and Non-Fatal Shootings | Last Updated 2024-09-27T12:41:45.000Z

    This dataset contains individual-level homicide and non-fatal shooting victimizations, including homicide data from 1991 to the present, and non-fatal shooting data from 2010 to the present (2010 is the earliest available year for shooting data). This dataset includes a "GUNSHOT_INJURY_I " column to indicate whether the victimization involved a shooting, showing either Yes ("Y"), No ("N"), or Unknown ("UKNOWN.") For homicides, injury descriptions are available dating back to 1991, so the "shooting" column will read either "Y" or "N" to indicate whether the homicide was a fatal shooting or not. For non-fatal shootings, data is only available as of 2010. As a result, for any non-fatal shootings that occurred from 2010 to the present, the shooting column will read as “Y.” Non-fatal shooting victims will not be included in this dataset prior to 2010; they will be included in the authorized-access dataset, but with "UNKNOWN" in the shooting column. Each row represents a single victimization, i.e., a unique event when an individual became the victim of a homicide or non-fatal shooting. Each row does not represent a unique victim—if someone is victimized multiple times there will be multiple rows for each of those distinct events. The dataset is refreshed daily, but excludes the most recent complete day to allow the Chicago Police Department (CPD) time to gather the best available information. Each time the dataset is refreshed, records can change as CPD learns more about each victimization, especially those victimizations that are most recent. The data on the Mayor's Office Violence Reduction Dashboard is updated daily with an approximately 48-hour lag. As cases are passed from the initial reporting officer to the investigating detectives, some recorded data about incidents and victimizations may change once additional information arises. Regularly updated datasets on the City's public portal may change to reflect new or corrected information. A version of this dataset with additional crime types is available by request. To make a request, please email <a href=" Reduction Victims Access Request"></a> with the subject line: <b>Violence Reduction Victims Access Request</b>. Access will require an account on this site, which you may create at How does this dataset classify victims? The methodology by which this dataset classifies victims of violent crime differs by victimization type: Homicide and non-fatal shooting victims: A victimization is considered a homicide victimization or non-fatal shooting victimization depending on its presence in CPD's homicide victims data table or its shooting victims data table. A victimization is considered a homicide only if it is present in CPD's homicide data table, while a victimization is considered a non-fatal shooting only if it is present in CPD's shooting data tables and absent from CPD's homicide data table. To determine the IUCR code of homicide and non-fatal shooting victimizations, we defer to the incident IUCR code available in CPD's Crimes, 2001-present dataset (available on the City's open data portal). If the IUCR code in CPD's Crimes dataset is inconsistent with the homicide/non-fatal shooting categorization, we defer to CPD's Victims dataset. For a criminal homicide, the only sensible IUCR codes are 0110 (first-degree murder) or 0130 (second-degree murder). For a non-fatal shooting, a sensible IUCR code must signify a criminal sexual assault, a robbery, or, most commonly, an aggravated battery. In rare instances, the IUCR code in CPD's Crimes and Victims dataset do not align with the homicide/non-fatal shooting categorization: 1. In instances where a homicide victimization does not correspond to an IUCR code 0110 or 0130, we set the IUCR code to "01XX" to indicate that the victimization was a homicide but we do not know whether it was a fi

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    Micro-Market Recovery Program - Permits | Last Updated 2024-09-29T05:06:29.000Z

    The City of Chicago launched the Micro-Market Recovery Program (MMRP), a coordinated effort among the City, not-for-profit intermediaries, and non-profit and for-profit capital sources to improve conditions, strengthen property values, and create environments supportive of private investment in targeted markets throughout the city. The goal of MMRP is to improve conditions, strengthen property values, and create environments supportive of private investment in targeted areas by strategically deploying public and private capital and other tools and resources in well-defined micro-markets. This MMRP Permits dataset contains all Department of Buildings (DOB) Permits that have occured at properties falling within any MMRP Zone. Permits, Cases and Violations can be linked to the MMRP Geographies dataset using ADDRKEY or ADDRGRPKEY. To link Violations and Inspections to their Permits and Cases use Violation PERMITORCASEKEY to link to Permits APKEY_PERMIT and Cases APKEY_CASE. For more information on the MMRP program, please see

  • API

    Micro-Market Recovery Program - Violations and Inspections | Last Updated 2024-09-29T05:09:40.000Z

    The City of Chicago launched the Micro-Market Recovery Program (MMRP), a coordinated effort among the City, not-for-profit intermediaries, and non-profit and for-profit capital sources to improve conditions, strengthen property values, and create environments supportive of private investment in targeted markets throughout the city. The goal of MMRP is to improve conditions, strengthen property values, and create environments supportive of private investment in targeted areas by strategically deploying public and private capital and other tools and resources in well-defined micro-markets. This MMRP Violations and Inspections dataset contains Department of Buildings (DOB) Violations and associated Inspections that have occured at properties falling within an MMRP Zone. Permits, Cases and Violations can be linked to the MMRP Geographies dataset using ADDRKEY or ADDRGRPKEY. To link Violations and Inspections to their Permits and Cases use Violation PERMITORCASEKEY and link to Permits APKEY_PERMIT and Cases APKEY_CASE. *Note: Inspections are included only when at least one violation was written. Inspections without violations are not included in this dataset.