The land area of Marion, IN was 16 in 2013. The land area of Bowling Green, OH was 13 in 2013.

Land Area

Water Area

Land area is a measurement providing the size, in square miles, of the land portions of geographic entities for which the Census Bureau tabulates and disseminates data. Area is calculated from the specific boundary recorded for each entity in the Census Bureau's geographic database. Land area is based on current information in the TIGER® data base, calculated for use with Census 2010.

Water Area figures include inland, coastal, Great Lakes, and territorial sea water. Inland water consists of any lake, reservoir, pond, or similar body of water that is recorded in the Census Bureau's geographic database. It also includes any river, creek, canal, stream, or similar feature that is recorded in that database as a two- dimensional feature (rather than as a single line). The portions of the oceans and related large embayments (such as Chesapeake Bay and Puget Sound), the Gulf of Mexico, and the Caribbean Sea that belong to the United States and its territories are classified as coastal and territorial waters; the Great Lakes are treated as a separate water entity. Rivers and bays that empty into these bodies of water are treated as inland water from the point beyond which they are narrower than 1 nautical mile across. Identification of land and inland, coastal, territorial, and Great Lakes waters is for data presentation purposes only and does not necessarily reflect their legal definitions.

Above charts are based on data from the U.S. Census American Community Survey | ODN Dataset | API - Notes:

1. ODN datasets and APIs are subject to change and may differ in format from the original source data in order to provide a user-friendly experience on this site.

2. To build your own apps using this data, see the ODN Dataset and API links.

3. If you use this derived data in an app, we ask that you provide a link somewhere in your applications to the Open Data Network with a citation that states: "Data for this application was provided by the Open Data Network" where "Open Data Network" links to Where an application has a region specific module, we ask that you add an additional line that states: "Data about REGIONX was provided by the Open Data Network." where REGIONX is an HREF with a name for a geographical region like "Seattle, WA" and the link points to this page URL, e.g.

Geographic and Area Datasets Involving Marion, IN or Bowling Green, OH

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    Parks - Locations (deprecated November 2016) | Last Updated 2019-05-17T16:07:40.000Z

    OUTDATED. See the current data at --Parks managed by the Chicago Park District. Dataset includes park facilities and features information. For Shapefiles, go to For KML files, go to

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    Energy and Water Data Disclosure for Local Law 84 2014 (Data for Calendar Year 2013) | Last Updated 2024-01-24T17:26:55.000Z

    Data and metrics on water and energy consumption in privately owned buildings over 25,000 ft2 and in City-owned buildings over 10,000 ft2.

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    BREATHE: Edmonton's Green Network Strategy - 2016 Survey Results | Last Updated 2022-02-25T21:39:48.000Z

    Setting Priorities for Edmonton’s Green Network Strategy What is Open Space? Open spaces include all outdoor land and water that is publicly owned, and/or publicly accessible. Open spaces can be parks, plazas, boulevards, main streets, ceremonial spaces, natural and protected areas, community gardens, sports fields, and green infrastructure. What is the Green Network Strategy? Edmonton’s Green Network Strategy will examine how open space in the City of Edmonton functions as an integrated network of public spaces that provide real, measureable value to Edmontonians. Open spaces contribute to human health and wellness, improve the urban environment, and provide places for people to come together. These contributions are the central themes of the Green Network Strategy, and provide the organizing framework for assessing open space: • Ecology: Supports and enhances the environment • Wellness: Promotes healthy living • Celebration: Connects people to each other and builds a sense of place. The Survey By completing this survey, you are providing valuable information that will help the City of Edmonton develop an integrated network of open spaces that meets the needs and priorities of Edmontonians. **** This was single topic of particular interest to the City, which was conducted in 2016. To view the survey questions, click on the following link: Open from May 2 through to September 2, 2016. At the time the survey was launched survey invitations were sent to 7,233 Insight Community Members. 1,541 members completed the survey which represents a completion rate of 21%. A total of 2,274 respondents completed the survey: 1,541 Insight Community Members and 733 from the call to action button on our web page or from using the anonymous link(s) on The demographics from external/anonymous link has been captured and is combined with the demographics of the Community Members. Column definitions can be found as an attachment to this dataset (under the About option, in the Attachment section).

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    Community Perceptions Survey 2021 | Last Updated 2024-04-16T17:28:36.000Z

    The Cincinnati Community Perceptions Survey was developed by the City's Office of Performance and Data Analytics and ETC Institute in the fall of 2021. This community engagement tool was designed to allow the City Administration to evaluate resident satisfaction with our services and measure that level of satisfaction against cities of similar size, location, and demographics. The survey design also allows the City to capture community priorities for investment in services over the next two years. The survey was administered during the winter of 2021 by mail to a random sample of households across the city, and was available to complete by mail or online. The goal of 1,200 completed surveys was exceeded, with a total of 1,408 residents completing the survey. The overall residents for the sample of 1,408 households have a precision of at least +/-2.6% at the 95% level of confidence, and are demographically representative of our city's population. This year's survey will set a baseline for Cincinnati to work from with the goal of better understanding where we are excelling in service delivery and where our local government could benefit from intentional improvement and resources. Find the link to the Survey landing page here:

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    Community Perceptions Survey 2023 | Last Updated 2024-04-16T17:55:03.000Z

    The Cincinnati Community Perceptions Survey was developed by the City's Office of Performance and Data Analytics and ETC Institute in the fall of 2021. This community engagement tool was designed to allow the City Administration to evaluate resident satisfaction with our services and measure that level of satisfaction against cities of similar size, location, and demographics. The survey design also allows the City to capture community priorities for investment in services over the next two years. The survey was administered during the winter of 2023 by mail to a random sample of households across the city, and was available to complete by mail or online. The goal of 1,200 completed surveys was met, with a total of 1,235 residents completing the survey. The overall residents for the sample of 1,408 households have a precision of at least +/-2.8% at the 95% level of confidence, and are demographically representative of our city's population. This survey provides insight into where we are excelling in service delivery and where our local government could benefit from intentional improvement and resources. Read the full report on survey results here: Find the Community Perceptions Survey Dashboard here: Find the 2021 Community Perceptions Survey Data here:

  • API

    Community Survey: 2023 Survey Data | Last Updated 2023-08-03T19:34:23.000Z

    The City of Bloomington contracted with National Research Center, Inc. to conduct the 2023 Bloomington Community Survey. This is the fourth time a scientific citywide survey has been completed covering resident opinions on service delivery satisfaction by the City of Bloomington and quality of life issues. <br> The 2023 survey received responses from 367 households (from a scientific sample of 3,000) and an additional 557 residents completed the opt-in survey. Read more at: <a href=""></a>.