The population rate of change of Cambridge, MA was 1.05% in 2014.


Population Change

Above charts are based on data from the U.S. Census American Community Survey | ODN Dataset | API - Notes:

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Demographics and Population Datasets Involving Cambridge, MA

  • API

    NYCHA Resident Data Book Summary | Last Updated 2020-02-08T00:56:30.000Z

    Contains resident demographic data at a summary level as of January 1, 2019. The Resident Data Book is compiled to serve as an information source for queries involving resident demographic as well as a source of data for internal analysis. Statistics are compiled via HUD mandated annual income reviews involving NYCHA Staff and residents. Data is then aggregated and compiled by development. Each record pertains to a single public housing development.

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    Bronx Zip Population and Density | Last Updated 2012-10-21T14:06:17.000Z

    2010 Census Data on population, pop density, age and ethnicity per zip code

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    Labor Force Demographic Characteristics by Commuting Mode Split: 2012 - 2016 | Last Updated 2024-05-06T21:33:09.000Z

    This data set provides demographic and journey to work characteristics of the Cambridge Labor Force by primary mode of their journey to work. Attributes include age, presence of children, racial and ethnic minority status, vehicles available, time leaving home, time spent traveling, and annual household income. The data set originates from a special tabulation of the American Community Survey - the 2012 - 2016 version of the Census Transportation Planning Products (CTPP). The Cambridge Labor Force consist of all persons who live in Cambridge who work or are actively seeking employment. For more information on Journey to Work data in Cambridge, please see the report Moving Forward: 2020 -

  • API

    Workforce Demographic Characteristics by Commuting Mode Split : 2012 - 2016 | Last Updated 2024-05-06T21:39:43.000Z

    This data set provides demographic and journey to work characteristics of the Cambridge Workforce by primary mode of their journey to work. Attributes include age, presence of children, racial and ethnic minority status, vehicles available, time arriving at work, time spent traveling, and annual household income. The data set originates from a special tabulation of the American Community Survey - the 2012 - 2016 version of the Census Transportation Planning Products (CTPP). The Cambridge Workforce consist of all persons who work in Cambridge, regardless of home location. For more information on Journey to Work data in Cambridge, please see the report Moving Forward: 2020 -

  • API

    Cambridge Vaccine Demographics by Week 3/18/2021-3/29/2023 (Historical) | Last Updated 2024-04-18T20:27:52.000Z

    This open dataset shows data on Cambridge residents who have received a COVID-19 vaccine at any location (e.g., mass vaccination site, pharmacy, doctor's office). These data come from the Massachusetts Department of Public Health's weekly report on vaccine doses administered by municipality. The report is released on Thursdays. This open dataset includes data going back several weeks and complements another open dataset called "Cambridge Vaccine Demographics," which shows data for the latest week ( The Moderna and Pfizer vaccines require two doses administered at least 28 days apart in order to be fully vaccinated. The J&J (Janssen) vaccine requires a single dose in order to be fully vaccinated. The category "Residents Who Received at Least One Dose" reflects the total number of individuals in the fully and partially vaccinated categories. That is, this category comprises individuals who have received one or both doses of the Moderna/Pfizer vaccine or have received the single dose J&J (Janssen) vaccine. The category "Fully Vaccinated Residents" comprises individuals who have received both doses of the Moderna/ Pfizer vaccine or the single-dose J&J vaccine. The category "Partially Vaccinated Residents" comprises individuals who have received only the first dose of the Moderna/Pfizer vaccine. Source: Weekly COVID-19 Municipality Vaccination Report. Massachusetts releases updated data each Thursday at 5 p.m.

  • API

    Cambridge Vaccination Demographics 3/15/2021-3/29/2023 | Last Updated 2024-04-19T16:48:12.000Z

    This open dataset shows data on Cambridge residents who have received a COVID-19 vaccine at any location (e.g., mass vaccination site, pharmacy, doctor's office). These data come from the Massachusetts Department of Public Health's weekly report on vaccine doses administered by municipality. The report is released on Thursdays. <br> The Moderna and Pfizer vaccines require two doses administered at least 28 days apart in order to be fully vaccinated. The J&J (Janssen) vaccine requires a single dose in order to be fully vaccinated. <br> The category "Residents Who Received at Least One Dose" reflects the total number of individuals in the fully and partially vaccinated categories. That is, this category comprises individuals who have received one or both doses of the Moderna/Pfizer vaccine or have received the single dose J&J (Janssen) vaccine. <br> The category "Fully Vaccinated Residents" comprises individuals who have received both doses of the Moderna/ Pfizer vaccine or the single-dose J&J vaccine. <br> The category "Partially Vaccinated Residents" comprises individuals who have received only the first dose of the Moderna/Pfizer vaccine. <br> Source: Weekly COVID-19 Municipality Vaccination Report. Massachusetts releases updated data each Thursday at 5 p.m.

  • API

    COVID-19 Death Counts by Demographic 5/11/2023 | Last Updated 2024-04-19T16:47:01.000Z

    This dataset is no longer being updated as of 5/11/2023. It is being retained on the Open Data Portal for its potential historical interest. This table displays the number of COVID-19 deaths among Cambridge residents by race and ethnicity. The count reflects total deaths among Cambridge COVID-19 cases. The rate column shows the rate of COVID-19 deaths among Cambridge residents by race and ethnicity. The rates in this chart were calculated by dividing the total number of deaths among Cambridge COVID-19 cases for each racial or ethnic category by the total number of Cambridge residents in that racial or ethnic category, and multiplying by 10,000. The rates are considered “crude rates” because they are not age-adjusted. Population data are from the U.S. Census Bureau’s 2014–2018 American Community Survey estimates and may differ from actual population counts. Of note: This chart reflects the time period of March 25 (first known Cambridge death) through present. It is important to note that race and ethnicity data are collected and reported by multiple entities and may or may not reflect self-reporting by the individual case. The Cambridge Public Health Department (CPHD) is actively reaching out to cases to collect this information. Due to these efforts, race and ethnicity information have been confirmed for over 80% of Cambridge cases, as of June 2020. Race/Ethnicity Category Definitions: “White” indicates “White, not of Hispanic origin.” “Black” indicates “Black, not of Hispanic origin.” “Hispanic” refers to a person having Hispanic origin. A person having Hispanic origin may be of any race. “Asian” indicates “Asian, not of Hispanic origin.” To protect individual privacy, a category is suppressed when it has one to four people. Categories with zero cases are reported as zero. "Other" indicates multiple races, another race that is not listed above, and cases who have reported nationality in lieu of a race category recognized by the US Census. Population data are from the U.S. Census Bureau’s 2014–2018 American Community Survey estimates and may differ from actual population counts. "Other" also includes a small number of people who identify as Native American or Native Hawaiian/Pacific islander. Because the count for Native Americans or Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islanders is currently < 5 people, these categories have been combined with “Other” to protect individual privacy.

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    Labor Force Commuting Mode Split: 1990, 2000, 2006 - 2010, and 2012 - 2016 | Last Updated 2024-05-06T21:38:53.000Z

    This data set compares 1990, 2000, 2006 - 2010, and 2012-16 Journey to Work data, outlining the modes of commuting for the Labor Force of the City of Cambridge, regardless of workplace location. The data set originates from three sources: 1990 Journey to Work data supplied to the Massachusetts Central Transportation Planning Staff by the Census Bureau, a special tabulation of 2000 Decennial Census data - the 2000 Census Transportation Planning Products (CTPP), and the two most recent versions of the CTPP compiled from the American Community Survey. The Cambridge Labor Force consist of all Cambridge residents who work or who are currently seeking work, regardless of workplace location. For more information on Journey to Work data in Cambridge, please see the report Moving Forward: 2020 -

  • API

    Resident Workforce Commuting Mode Split by Place of Residence: 1990, 2000, 2006 - 2010 and 2012 - 2016 | Last Updated 2024-05-06T21:40:12.000Z

    This data set compares 1990, 2000, 2006 - 2010, and 2012 - 2016 Journey to Work data, outlining the modes of commuting for the Resident Workforce in the City of Cambridge. The data set originates from three sources: 1990 Journey to Work data supplied to the Massachusetts Central Transportation Planning Staff by the Census Bureau, a special tabulation of 2000 Decennial Census data - the 2000 Census Transportation Planning Products (CTPP), and recent versions of the CTPP compiled from the American Community Survey. The Cambridge resident workforce are those people who both live and work in Cambridge. The figures reported here are based on the home locations of these workers, not their work locations. For more information on Journey to Work data in Cambridge, please see the full 2015 report: (

  • API

    Resident Workforce Demographic Characteristics by Commuting Mode Split : 2012 - 2016 (Historical) | Last Updated 2024-05-06T21:36:48.000Z

    This data set provides demographic and journey to work characteristics of the Cambridge Resident Workforce by primary mode of their journey to work. Attributes include age, vehicles available, time leaving home, time spent traveling, and annual household income. The data set originates from a special tabulation of the American Community Survey - the 2012 - 2016 version of the Census Transportation Planning Products (CTPP). The Cambridge Resident Workforce consist of all persons who both live and work in Cambridge. For more information on Journey to Work data in Cambridge, please see the report Moving Forward: 2020 -